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fermenting ferment: various habs + tabasco + mango

started a new ferment the other day containing the following:
250g mixed habs (homegrown orange habs, caribbean red hots, and tabascos plus purchased white and mustard habs) – mostly homegrown orange hab, red hab, and tabasco.
2 mangoes, peeled, chopped and juiced (a little overripe this time, tried to squeeze juice out of pitted part)
3 carrots, shredded
2 yellow bell pepper, minced
1 head garlic, smashed
¾ large sweet yellow onion, thinly sliced
2” inch piece ginger, peeled and grated
filled up to the final mark on the side of the half-gallon jar near the shoulder with 5% brine.
lowered my total amount of peppers in this one in an attempt to have it appeal to a larger audience, but we'll see. 
probably let it go about a month as with my previous ferments. already got some decent action going on in there, the solids have risen.
Looking great Hoibot!  Judging by the list of peppers I'd guess it's still going to be too hot for most, but a little bit of honey goes really well with mango/hab so you can always dilute/sweeten a portion for the tender tongues. 
SmokenFire said:
Looking great Hoibot!  Judging by the list of peppers I'd guess it's still going to be too hot for most, but a little bit of honey goes really well with mango/hab so you can always dilute/sweeten a portion for the tender tongues. 
thanks for the honey suggestion, i'd never considered that. and you're right, it will definitely still be too hot for most! i'm growing some less hot peppers this year to make some that may be acceptable to a non-chile head.
finished this up today. pH read 3.42, decided to get it done before i go on vacation.
into the pot:

25 minute boil, covered, then into the ninja:

back in the pot for 15 minute boil, covered:

finished product:

it's really, really good. the only major difference between the other sauce that i did like this and this one was adding more yellow bell pepper, and the savory taste in this sauce has been somewhat absent from my other ferments. i'm really pleased with how this one turned out, will look forward to tasting it as it ages. the heat is relatively low compared to others i've done, but will still likely be too hot for a lot of folks. i think i might have used a bit more ginger in this one too, which i can still taste. 