So I said I'd conduct a comparative experiment to see which method of fermentation works best for me. I used 3 different starters: 2 powdered yogurt cultures (A & B) and whey.
The first four contain no other vegetables and the jars + the mash were boiled for around twenty minutes. I added the cultures after the mash cooled down to room temperature.
The last two were not boiled and contain other vegetables.
This is the progress 10 days into the fermentation. Of the ones started on the same day (the first 4), the two with powdered cultures and no salt (first two) seem to be outperforming the two with whey and salt. My conclusion is that either the whey did not contain enough active bacteria or I added too much salt (2 tbsp in about half a quart of mash and topped off with filtered water).
The 1 gallon batch was fermenting and bubbling but there seems to be a very small decrease in pH and for some odd reason the last one has increased in pH. My pH meter might need some calibration lol
Anyway, I really hope I'm not the only one who finds this as fascinating as I do haha