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fermenting Fermentation? Yeast?

Ok, so I've got my Desert Heat hot sauce fermenting I guess....

I just cooked up my ingredients until i was satisfied with the flavours, and then i blended it fairly smooth. Left it covered but outside for three days for the flavours to develop a bit more.

My question (for future sauces) is...is it possible to do yeast (like the instant bread machine yeast) fermentation on a chilli sauce? What are the pros and cons?
Ok, so I've got my Desert Heat hot sauce fermenting I guess....

I just cooked up my ingredients until i was satisfied with the flavours, and then i blended it fairly smooth. Left it covered but outside for three days for the flavours to develop a bit more.

My question (for future sauces) is...is it possible to do yeast (like the instant bread machine yeast) fermentation on a chilli sauce? What are the pros and cons?

I'm certainly no expert and I expect that other memebers will chime in here, but it seems to me that yeast probably isnt going to give you the results you want.
You want a bacterial fermentation to produce acids (lactic acid, acetic acid). Yeast is going to make alcohol which might perserve your mash, but might not produce enough acidity to make a safe product. Additionally I'd imagine it would imapart an unpleasant "bready" characteristic which would be undesireable.

did you add anything to start the fermentation?

From what I understand, fermentation only works with raw products. Once you cook the sauce, that kills all the beneficial bacteria. If you did not add some sort of "bacteria culture/starter" like fresh (uncooked)cabbage or fresh kimchee, both of which have the lacto-bacillius acid that is desired for fermentation, or kefir grains, I don't know if you will actually get fermentation. And now that you have let it sit out for 3 days, I'm concerned about bad bacterias starting to work in there.

You can "age" a cooked sauce under certain parameters, but once again, that is not fermentation.

Just a word of caution, hope the sauce is okay.

Good Luck!
