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fermenting Fermented Aji Cito sauce ideas ?

I have about 4 liters or 1 gallon of fermented Aji Cito and Aji Amarillo ( 2400 grams and 1000 grams) .
This is a pure mash ferment with about 3.5-4 % salt and about a total of 50ml of vinegar , just to keep the top mold free.
Any suggestions ?
I would like to keep it as pure and simple as possible ! Maybe just a bit of garlic or fruitiness added in.
Thank you.
cito1 (2).JPG

karoo said:
I have about 4 liters or 1 gallon of fermented Aji Cito and Aji Amarillo ( 2400 grams and 1000 grams) .
This is a pure mash ferment with about 3.5-4 % salt and about a total of 50ml of vinegar , just to keep the top mold free.
Any suggestions ?
I would like to keep it as pure and simple as possible ! Maybe just a bit of garlic or fruitiness added in.
Thank you.
In my last fermented mash when I cooked it down at the end I added some dried dark red cherries and honey and then buzzed it in the blender. It was very good!