• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Startup Help.

fermenting fermented pepper help

so going to try a couple ferments and have a couple ?
1. how do most weigh the pods whole or after chopping into mash
2. how many pods do most use per jar say per 1/2 pint ,quart,1/2 gallon etc batch
3. how much air /head space is to much or to little
4. do air lock keep jar from breaking or spilling out
5. are frozen peppers from you garden ok to use or just fresh
6. how do you figure out how much salt if your adding other fruits etc.
7. do you add liquid or just the juices from pulsing/grinding pods into mash
thanks for any and all help .I have found plenty of info here  but not sure about my above ?
ps anyone have recipes for a beginner
thanks again john in new jersey
1. I weigh after mash
2. Varies
3. Trial and error
4. Yes
5. Yes
6. I do 4% of total mash weight
7. I have done both.


Check out this thread.

This is my latest mash. No brine added, just peppers and salt.

jatr24 said:
ps anyone have recipes for a beginner
thanks again john in new jersey
What kind of peppers do you have to work with? What type of sauce are you aiming for: sweet, savory, fruity? Heat level? Mild, medium, so hot it'll peel the paint off the walls? ;)

Knowing that might be able to help us steer you in the right direction