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fermenting Fermented sauce Results

I have starteda pepper mash a couple months ago. I like where it is so I am ready to sauce it. My Question is when I put it in a pot to cook it do I put all the liquid in or just the veggies?
I keep kinda poor notes but I started it in late march. It had started getting the yeast and stopped bubbling plus it tasted real good so I decided it was time. Anyway I do not mind the criticism so long as it is constructive, and it was. So once again I need to thank everyone at The Hot Pepper! I couldn't have done it with out you.

Correct me if i'm wrong but when your brewing beer or any alcohol the word mash is also used for the liquid that you have before fermentation and it is then beer or whatever your making after fermentation has taken place? So would it not technically be mash since fermentation still needs to take place, even though its not mashed? i've been calling it this for a while now. It looks good either way.
Yep the mixture of grain and water is also called a mash.

You can call my sauce what you will but I am going to call it great on pizza. Absolutly delish. Sorry no pics.
There ya go, call it great tasting...and don't call me late for dinner>>>> :D

at least that's what my dad always said~~~