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fermenting Fermented sauce - salt.

Hi there, soon I will harvest my chocolate habaneros and want to make fermented sauce.
But how much salt use for it to start fermentation ?
And only chilles will fermentate ? Or I have to add some cultures like from yoghurt ?
I just ran into this same question myself this week.

Read the sticky's of fermenting 101 and sauce making 101...great info but it left me with the same question trying to fully understand the info i was reading.

First off get a food scale that weighs in grams.

Next prepare your peppers and then get the weight and write it down.

Now you can start doing the same for other ingredients you want to add....write down the weights of each finished ingredient (washed, peeled, and ready for use)....you don't have to add vegetables etc....if you dont it will be more of a pepper paste. You can use the paste by adding it into salsas, tomato sauces, drinks, cassaroles etc etc etc.

This is not a recipe but an example of how to figure out salt needed for a fermentation.
No whey or starter is needed. This is referred to as a "wild fermentaion" and i just made my first 2 days ago.....look up the thread by Buddy fermenting 2016 in the sauce making forum.
This will give you pictures and some ideas for fermenting for sauces.

So as i said, this is only an example of how to figure out the salt for your total weight of ingredients....measured in grams.

Hot peppers 200 grams
Carrots 100 grams
Bell peppers of your choice 150 grams
Onion 100 grams
Garlic 75 grams
Fruits peeled and seeds removed if using 125 grams

Now add it all together total weight combined equals 750 grams of peppers, veggies, fruit.

Now for the salt... I was advised to use 4%

200 grams (peppers only) multiplied by .04 (4%) = 8 grams

750 grams (peppers+veg+fruit) multiplied by .04 (4%) = 30 grams

Place all 750g of ingredients in food processor and fine chop adding the 30g of salt.....or just the peppers and the 8g of salt.

Most advise canning/pickling salt. No iodine.

Remove to bowl....stir....place in your sterilized ferment jar with airlock and you just made your mash.

Let it sit etc etc.

I am a total noob but this helped my understanding of getting started without whey or other starters.

Good luck ;)
I've made my first ferment, I followed this guide
Thanks everyone for answers,  I've got a little bit of knowledge and it will be more easy to make next sauces :)
My is pure Chocolate Habanero and I used white sweet wine without sulfites instead water
:D I cannot wait a result.
I dont see any fermentation. :confused: I used white wine without sulfites like another recipe said "Add this to the jar/crock, along with enough white wine (prefereably a high-sugar Reisling or Gewürstraminer that is free of sulfites) to cover by a half inch or so. Mix and mash thoroughly with a pestle or wooden spoon (be sure to wash thoroughly).". It could kill bacteries? 
Possibly because more liquid than peppers.....I do see very tiny bubbles around the outer edge on the surface of the brine.
Reading other posts the last few days, It may take some time....and not all ferments will gas off in large quantity to see visually.
Keep reporting back with pics, I like the colors of the peppers and am interested how it turns out.
When using wines in this way its very possible to end up with some acetic acid as well as lactic acid. The alcohol will be converted to the acetic acid aka vinegar. The sugars will be converted to lactic acid. Ive made vinegar several times from a few of my homemade wines.
Maybe I should try with a airlock then It will be visible ?
I made vine many times,  I always keep cleanliness  and never had problem with acetic fermentation.  I  hope it will be good ;<
It is my first fermented sauce and First time when I raised peppers.
And I dont feel any acetic odor.
how should it taste after one week? It should be very sour? like sauerkraut or just little? I tried and I dont know If its became saur maybe little or its just vine taste? what  I should do ? maybe make little sauerkraut and add juice?
Im so sad of my sauce ;( I even cant see if its fermenting
Not all Fermenting will show bubbles......your container is huge, and so is the opening. with a large opening like that, it would let off any gas buildup before you could ever see it.
Also your peppers are not very tightly packed, lots of liquid room vs peppers...this may also make it hard to see any fermenting???
I have no experience with wines, and just learning fermenting myself.
I would let it go and keep going. 
Masher said:
Not all Fermenting will show bubbles......your container is huge, and so is the opening. with a large opening like that, it would let off any gas buildup before you could ever see it.
Also your peppers are not very tightly packed, lots of liquid room vs peppers...this may also make it hard to see any fermenting???
I have no experience with wines, and just learning fermenting myself.
I would let it go and keep going. 

Not all Fermenting will show bubbles......your container is huge, and so is the opening. with a large opening like that, it would let off any gas buildup before you could ever see it.
I have no experience with wines, and just learning fermenting myself.
I would let it go and keep going. 
Ok thanks I added airlock to check if fermenting.
How sour it should be after finish fermentation ?
