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fermenting Fermenting Question

If your good with fab work and can do some basic welding, you can make your own still for about 1/4 of what that website above charges...
Sickmont said:
If your good with fab work and can do some basic welding, you can make your own still for about 1/4 of what that website above charges...

Sorry 'bout that. My volume stay's off, so I didn't realize it had sound..;)

I agree about doin' it yerself. Easy to do with a little talent and time.

I've got a 40 gal copper still from the 1950's..Not in use of course..:onfire:
[quote name='Cap'n Bones']I've got a 40 gal copper still from the 1950's..Not in use of course..:onfire:[/quote]

If you ain't using it, can i borrow it for a while? I'll give it a good "tune-up" for ya for free...:D ;)
I honestly dunno if I could get into making my own booze. I made beer for a few years. Fun, but not worth the work. Before that I made wine, and it tasted like bitter grape dirt. I'm afraid booze would be the same. At least I can grow a garden.:onfire:
Hank said:
I honestly dunno if I could get into making my own booze. I made beer for a few years. Fun, but not worth the work. Before that I made wine, and it tasted like bitter grape dirt. I'm afraid booze would be the same. At least I can grow a garden.:onfire:
Some booze are really easy to make (like absinthe).
Isn't that the semi-hallucinogenic booze made from the squeezins of some woody shrub that grows on the slopes of the Meditteranean? Or did I make that up in a hallucinogenic induced haze?
Hell, what's easier than Brandy? Get yerself some Night Train (do they even make that anymore?) or MadDog, a boiler, a funnel, a condensor (coil) and a flask, and sha-zam, Brandy!
Hank said:
Isn't that the semi-hallucinogenic booze made from the squeezins of some woody shrub that grows on the slopes of the Meditteranean? Or did I make that up in a hallucinogenic induced haze?
From experience, it is more than semi-hallucinogenic. It's made from artemisia absinthium (aka wormwood) which is the main ingredient in common Vermouth which is where it got it's name from (the german word for wormwood is wermuth).

It is the same drink that Vincent Van Gogh used (which caused his "yellow period") and is also what caused him to cut off the top of his ear (due to "absinthe madness" which was caused by the impropper distilation of absinthe).

In other words, it's a extremely bitter drink that get's you so high you just may see "The Green Fairy". It's like the combined head high of pot and the visuals of mushrooms. Although, the coming down period is not that fun. You end up with depression for about an hour, hour and a half. But it's a really clean drunk/high....and it's pritty much legal! I have a simple recipe in my profile.
Maybe it should be imabanjogod. LOL
All I remember about Absinthe is that movie where the brother and sister start making out. Absinthe sounds cool, I saw your recipe but need more details on procedures and effects. Time for a still. How about habanero absinthe?
Maybe it should be imabanjogod. LOL
Or imaguywithtomuchfreetimeonhishandssoandaccesstothenet soIknowwaytomuchandgetwaytomanyideasforthingstodowithmytime

hehehehehe :onfire:

Absinthe sounds cool, I saw your recipe but need more details on procedures and effects. Time for a still. How about habanero absinthe?

As for the procedures and effect, just pm me and I'll go into more detail (anyone who wants to know, feel free to pm away).
I've never made the stuff, but i have gotten a few cases shipped over here from Europe(and found a few fine folks making it here for consumption, too). I didn't find it bitter at all, but then again, most people don't realize you're not supposed to drink it straight, but rather cut it with a bit of water. I just found the stuff super minty tasting(no wonder i love gin so much now).
Any of you remember Vermox? We used to call it "Weeds". It was a "whiskey", or so I think that was the base alcohol, and it had a big ole sprig of some nasty weeds inside if it. They stopped making it when I was about 19, so I never really got to "enjoy" it. Blech. About all I remember about it was that it made me very angry at my toilet. Baaaaad toilet! Baaaaad!
Alright, I'll try the absinthe recipe this fall. If I go blind, I'm gonna find you and cut off your ear.
Hank said:
Alright, I'll try the absinthe recipe this fall. If I go blind, I'm gonna find you and cut off your ear.
Not the whole ear...just the top(that's what Van Gogh did, counterary to popular belief). :)