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fermenting Fermenting Sauerkraut

Any of you guys that make kraut I'm going to make my very 1st batch in a quart jar from what I've read I would use 2 tsp of salt but it said to just sprinkle the salt directly on the cabbage mix in and start squeezing the cabbage until you get enough brine so you squeeze the juice from the cabbage to make the brine It also said it would be done in about 5 days ?
Gargoyle91 said:
Is this normal this is a week old the cabbage has risen a bit but mostly still under the brine but has left behind these foamy bubbles
Looks fine. You might have just a tiny bit of kahm yeast. It will form a film and catch some bubbles.
Blue and green fuzzy specks are the bad guys.
Well I know I'm creating sacreliog but it's been 7 days I opened and tasted and it was delicious so I put it in the fridge and called it a day , 1st question will it explode? 2nd It tastes so good now crunchy and sour why let it go for more time ?
Mine was ok after a week but could have used more time. It was too crunchy for me. Mine stopped fermenting in the fridge because it absorbed the brine. Probably because it needed more time to ferment. Or I needed to mash out more liquid.
 I follow Sandor Katz's method (Wild Fermentation). I use a stoneware crock, and for every 5 pounds of cabbage I toss in 3 tablespoons of kosher salt. Mix it up, pound it down and break the fibers with a blunt object (I use a pestle), and repeat the process.
 I use a dinner plate on top of the cabbage, held down with a plastic 1 gallon jug of water on top of the plate, to keep the cabbage under the brine. A linen cloth over the top to keep the bugs and other debris out. I usually use 10 - 20 pounds of cabbage per batch. I skim off the top stuff about every other day once the fermentation kicks in
. I'll probably keep it in the crock for 2 - 3 weeks and use a taste test for what I want. This method hasn't failed me yet.
If you need extra brine, 1 teaspoon of kosher salt per cup of water.