Fermenting urine for CO2

Someone please tell me this is a joke to screw with new growers.  Reportedly, if you keep buckets of urine in your grow room, it will ferment.  As it does, it will release lots of CO2 to help your plants grow.  Could this possibly be legitimate advise?  I keep thinking on the stench and the bugs.
Scuba_Steve said:
Sugar water and yeast will do the same thing...

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Yea, but....urine, ya know....it's just more....organic!
Can't see a few buckets of anything making enough CO2 to do any good.
But if If you must get your CO2 via fermentation, try fermenting something USEFUL, like....maybe.... BEER!!!!
A few dollars worth of dry ice would have vastly more impact on the gas concentration in your grow room.
I piss into my plant solo cups.  The minerals that are leftover after my multivitamsin make them grown big and strong
P.S.  Tortillas are white and have black marks you racists. 
Is this even a serious question? First of all, there's more than enough CO2 in the atmosphere for any planting needs. Why on earth would anyone think that the plant needs more CO2 when there's 0.04% in the air? 
I think the average planters need a crash course in elementary science and if possible, mid-school science before even attempting to plant.
Inedible said:
I thought urine gave off ammonia.
Ye, that is the stink I imagine.  On the other hand, throw some cigarette butts in there and it might make some folk think of their favorite dive.
resili626 said:
Is this even a serious question? First of all, there's more than enough CO2 in the atmosphere for any planting needs. Why on earth would anyone think that the plant needs more CO2 when there's 0.04% in the air?
I am not hip enough to have a firm opinion.  The claim behind the many CO2 producing and concentrating products is that if you run enough light then the plants in a confined area do benefit from a higher than air CO2 concentration. 
Googled it to make sure I didnt imagine something.  The claim is that you use urine, water, and sugar.  I cant make this shit up.
ajdrew said:
Ye, that is the stink I imagine.  On the other hand, throw some cigarette butts in there and it might make some folk think of their favorite dive.
I am not hip enough to have a firm opinion.  The claim behind the many CO2 producing and concentrating products is that if you run enough light then the plants in a confined area do benefit from a higher than air CO2 concentration. 

Googled it to make sure I didnt imagine something.  The claim is that you use urine, water, and sugar.  I cant make this shit up.
There's a maximum level of CO2 the plant can use at any given time, so increasing the CO2 level beyond what the plant can optimally use is like trying to fill a cup that's already full. I'm sure you can do that, but it would be a gigantic waste of resources.

Source: high school biology textbook ;) 
CO2 enhancement is not a loopy idea.  
Don't have time to chase a concise answer, but several search results suggest that doubling atmospheric CO2 to ~1000 ppm / 1% from the current ~450ppm will produce 'significant' increase in pepper growth and harvest.
You'd need an accurate CO2 meter to make it work well.  Go too high and the plant will begin to suffer.
Indoor pot growers will set up tanks with CO2 leaks. I think it can be fairly simple (literally crack a tank to slowly leak) or set up with sensors and valves for a more precise level of CO2 in the air.
Instead of fermenting urine why don't you make some beer or a fermented hot sauce and stick that in the grow room?
austin87 said:
Instead of fermenting urine why don't you make some beer or a fermented hot sauce and stick that in the grow room?
Never thought to increase the CO2 in my grow room, but do want to learn to make bier.  Now thinking maybe two two just naturally go together.
resili626 said:
There's a maximum level of CO2 the plant can use at any given time, so increasing the CO2 level beyond what the plant can optimally use is like trying to fill a cup that's already full. I'm sure you can do that, but it would be a gigantic waste of resources.
I think the main resource covert grows are concerned with is space.  So I do get the feeling it is a viable thing for such grows.  Some of their grows look like the star ship enterprise.  Venting, cooling, CO2, and other matters all controlled with timers, sensors, and even computers.  It is amazingly complicated.  But with the money they spend, I have to figure they are on to something.