Decided to post all Ferments and Sauces here so I can reference them for future use and updates as needed.
Smoked Fresno Sauce
Smoked with 4 cups Mesquite for 3 hrs
30 Fresnos halved
1 med onion thick sliced
1 small Scallion
1 head garlic halved
3 Fatalii halved
Started this on the grill with a smoker box, but after 1hr It looked like it was drying more than smoking..
Pulled out the box smoker and placed everything back in for another 2 hrs

Really picked up the smoke, and could smell the oils released from everything.
Wanted more char of the peppers and decided I wanted more garlic and onion as well.
Heated up the cast iron pan and seared the peppers dry, along with another onion thick sliced, and another head of garlic,
separated into cloves with husks intact.
Missed the shot of the seared onion and garlic but the peppers give you a good idea

I ate one of the Fresno halves to test for taste and heat....flavor was excellent, heat was a solid 5/10
Removed most of the seeds at this point and placed everything into a pot.
Then added:
2 cups ACV
1/4 Cup bottled lime juice
2 Cups water
2 TBLS H. Pink salt
2 TBLS beef concentrate paste
Simmered 20-30 mins

Removed from heat and hit it with the immersion blender...ran it though the food mill using the medium screen
Finished Sauce before it was ran through the food mill...had to many sharp skins.

Smoky deep rich flavor. Put it on pan seared Pork Chops last night.
Excellent sauce, with a nice burn....mostly all front half of the tongue...Better than I had expected!!!
PH is 3.7 but since I used the beef paste, I will have to pressure can this batch for storage.
Smoked Fresno Sauce
Smoked with 4 cups Mesquite for 3 hrs
30 Fresnos halved
1 med onion thick sliced
1 small Scallion
1 head garlic halved
3 Fatalii halved
Started this on the grill with a smoker box, but after 1hr It looked like it was drying more than smoking..
Pulled out the box smoker and placed everything back in for another 2 hrs

Really picked up the smoke, and could smell the oils released from everything.
Wanted more char of the peppers and decided I wanted more garlic and onion as well.
Heated up the cast iron pan and seared the peppers dry, along with another onion thick sliced, and another head of garlic,
separated into cloves with husks intact.
Missed the shot of the seared onion and garlic but the peppers give you a good idea

I ate one of the Fresno halves to test for taste and heat....flavor was excellent, heat was a solid 5/10
Removed most of the seeds at this point and placed everything into a pot.
Then added:
2 cups ACV
1/4 Cup bottled lime juice
2 Cups water
2 TBLS H. Pink salt
2 TBLS beef concentrate paste
Simmered 20-30 mins

Removed from heat and hit it with the immersion blender...ran it though the food mill using the medium screen
Finished Sauce before it was ran through the food mill...had to many sharp skins.

Smoky deep rich flavor. Put it on pan seared Pork Chops last night.
Excellent sauce, with a nice burn....mostly all front half of the tongue...Better than I had expected!!!
PH is 3.7 but since I used the beef paste, I will have to pressure can this batch for storage.