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fertilizer fertilizer recommendation

i know everyone has differing opinions on fertilizing their peppers, but I'm a little lost on whats best for them, cuz I know just run of the mill miracle gro ain't gonna do them right.
I'm trying humbolt nutrients bloom formula and see what happens. I have used fox farm quite a bit with great results and always use fox farm ocean soil-- that stuff is awesome.

Omri said:

As for numbers, when the peppers are young seedlings or were just cut back in their second or third, ect... year of growth you want to give them a high N fertilizer and give them a very small amount of Magnesium and Calcium, when they are much larger and ready to fruit, switch to a higher P and K fert and a tad more Magnesium and Calcium, either from Dolomite (which has both) or Epsom Salt for the Magnesium and ground eggshells or bonemeal for the Calcium.

Typical amounts are a Tablespoon per gallon of Epsom Salt, and I use a Tablespoon or less per plant of Dolomite (depending on pot size).

I use General Purpose plant food (Equal N-P-K) for early life, and switch to Bloom Booster (15-30-15). But like I said, you can use a high N fert (compared to P and K).

And never feed them if they look healthy! Hope that helps :)
I like to use manure and compost, but also occassionally use some general all-purpose fertilizer like 20-20-20 with micronutrients(or mix my own similar) and some lime and/or epsom salts
I am asking becuase my plants have basically quit growing in the past 2 weeks, but still look good. They have not put on any new leaves at all. And my habs keep dropping blooms, but are already covers with pods.
I use the Botanicare Progrow with Liquid Karma to start my plants with then switch to a 10-10-10 or 13-13-13 granular fertilize once they are planted out...then when they look like they are wanting to start producing, I use a 7-14-7 granular fertilize...I use about a Tbsp per 5 gallon container as a "side dressing"...then water it in...they also get about a Tbsp of Epsom Salts once a month...
i use chili focus from seedling on. when i repot to the last pot i also blend in some bat guano (guano kalong) and epsom. i also use the different organic additives from growth technology, nitrozyme (kelp concentrate), green age - plant stimulator (seaweed , not concentrated), green age - soil enhancer (humic acid).

chili focus is great, no problem, not difficult. the dosage is 5ml/L seedling on, then at first signs of bloom its 10ml/L, no risk of burning or overfeeding... if the plant seems its needing more fertilizer then its ok to feed up to 3 times a week, just remembering not to up the dosage per feeding.
rds040800 said:
I am asking becuase my plants have basically quit growing in the past 2 weeks, but still look good. They have not put on any new leaves at all. And my habs keep dropping blooms, but are already covers with pods.

What ferts have you used so far? How much? Most will work if used in moderate amounts. I think plants go through growth spurts as well so sometimes the only thing required is patience.
Can't recall who posted it, but I copied this fert recipe that was posted here a while back. Then I asked a friend who is a master Gardner and she said it's spot on for peppers so I started using it. She did say that she would decrease the amount of bone meal until flowering starts and after that decrease the amount of blood meal.

She also suggested that I should could do each ingredient separately instead of mixing them all together at once: Here is a sample below

5 Heaped tablespoons of Blood and Bone type fertilizer
3 " " of Potash
1 once of epsom salts
40 mls of Fish Emulsion
1 drop of Superthrive
30ml Seasol (sorry forgot)
Mix each with 1 1/2 Gallons of water

Feeding 1. Blood & Bone fertilizers and potash.
Feeding 2. Fish emulsion and sesol
Feeding 3. Epsom salts
Feeding 4. Superthrive

Kudos to the poster
bigt said:
What ferts have you used so far? How much? Most will work if used in moderate amounts. I think plants go through growth spurts as well so sometimes the only thing required is patience.

The dirt i used had ferts in it, but I can now tell a big difference in the plants growth. They all just stopped, and some drop blooms. I will go to the nursery and see what my options are.
rds040800 said:
The dirt i used had ferts in it, but I can now tell a big difference in the plants growth. They all just stopped, and some drop blooms. I will go to the nursery and see what my options are.

Does that mean you bought a commercial potting soil with nutes? Like Miracle Grow or Sta-Green? If so, I wouldn't add anything for a few months other than maybe a sprinkle of epsom salts or bonemeal. Some blossom drop is normal IMO and if the plants are busy making pods, they won't grow as fast. Patience.
I've been using Chilli Focus this year in moderation (underfeeding rather than over), and so far so good.

My Orange Habs are flowering a-plenty, and look very healthy, but no pods :(.

I blame it on the crappy, cold weather keeping the pollen from developing properly, since the rest of the plants seem to be starting to produce nice pods.

I've also used some compost with added John Innes No.3, which seems to do the trick as well.
i'm using pigeon manure soaked to water plants and from time to time tomato bloom booster. but i've heard that theres no better thing than cow manure.
serrano said:
i'm using pigeon manure soaked to water plants and from time to time tomato bloom booster. but i've heard that theres no better thing than cow manure.

Soil:Organic Or Not/Coir..Biobizz

Hydro...GH Flora Mato and FloraMicro (Liquid)