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condiment Fiery BBQ Sauce

I have been canning BBQ sauce for years, however recently a few co-workers have tried it and asked for more. One co-worker demanded a "spicey" version as he stated to me that he was a hot sauce and pepper "meister", so I made a batch. I admit I impressed my self and trust me that is easy to do :drunk:, sorry a little humor there. Blame it on the Becks.

At any rate, I made my standard batch, however to a batch that canned twelve 16 ounce BBQ sauce bottles, I added the following. 3 Habeneros, and 3 Ghost peppers (ghosts were pureed in vinegar in a processor), and 1tbs crushed red pepper flakes. Wow what a nice heat, left it sit for 2 weeks, and cracked that jar of goodness. I used it on BBQ beef sandwiches, ate three of the damn things. My co-worker got his jar, and during lunch opened it and put one plastic spoon full on his burger. Ate it then whined like a school girls with her panties on fire. I told him to grow a pair, and he literally said that he could not handle the stuff. So I took it and polished it off on some grilled chicken. So much for being the pepper and hot sauce "Meister."


You can see some habs in there, I puree my Ghosts as they I feel need to be pretty pulverized. They can surprise ya... :hot:

My recipe for my BBQ sauce is pretty standard.

2 cups ketchup
2 cups Tomato sauce
1/4 cup Worcestershire
celery seed
1 cup brown sugar
1 Tbs <Censored> Sorry I would have to kill you if I told you.
1 Tbs <Censored> Maybe just a knee capping for this one if I told ya. :shame:
1.5 cups Apple Cider vinegar
1 Tbs Garlic powder
1 Tbs Onion powder
1 Tbs Paprika (Come on for Christs sake use good Hungarian stuff here)
1/2 Tsp Cinnamon
1/2 Cup un-sulfured molasses
Peppers to your personal taste. I like now Habs and Ghosts. 3 of each

Mix well add peppers if you are not too big of a wimp to your liking. I am a new fan for the Habs and Ghosts in mine.
Boil to 240 for 10 minutes, drop in boiled jars and enjoy.

Now I know there is a battle over safe proper canning. I have been canning for many years, making my BBQ sauces and homemade Curry sauces. I have used this method for years and no one has gotten sick or died from my canned goods. My personally advice is I find there is a good Ph here due to the ingredients, and at 240 for 10 minutes comb with the acidity, I have always been fine. This is a solid sauce folks, and one that is good even for dipping.

Next is my homemade canned Curry sauce (Vindaloo)
Love the color in the second pic.

I'm sitting here at 11.30 on a Sunday morning with around 3 lbs of fresh super hot pods that I want to process today, now I'm thinking to myself....."hmmmm BBQ sauce...."

So what type of coercion would it take to get you to unlock those <censored> tags !!

I'm thinking maybe <coriander> or <cumin seeds> for a nice earthiness, but BBQ just ain't my forte!

Cheers :)
Okay so I do not have forum members at my door this evening with torches and a rope here they are. I also am posting a pic of my label with my drunken cow symbol I use for my sauces.


And Rooze, of you try it I promise you will not lose with it.

Here is the pic


Delete the liquid smoke if you want just a nice sweet BBQ sauce, I like the smokiness of it.
THP.com Actually it really is not that much. The brand I use is not super intense (Wrights Hickory), so it works well for such a large batch. I tried to once put 1 cup of Becks beer in it, however it turned out a tad loose. The flavor is nice on just about all meats, I used it on some Sword fish worked great, however used it on Salmon and I wasted 20 bucks in fish.

However your taste may differ. Please let me know what ya think of it rooze...

And thanks for the warm welcome everyone! :lol:
Made this..Thank you for the recipe. I didn't change much...just halved the liquid smoke and put half TBS instead tsp of cinnamon on accident.

Turned out GREAT.. I will post pictures later. I used 3 fresh orange habs.

Recipe yielded 1 and 1/2 quarts.
I'm trying a batch of your sauce this weekend - looks fantastic! Thank you very much for posting it. Heat-wise I'm doing a half-batch and will probably use an Habanero and a Bih Jolokia. Something is definitely getting fired up on the grill on Sunday afternoon. Perhaps with a refreshing beverage or two (or three).