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Filling out a sauce

Not quite sure how to word it.  Making a 7 pot burgundy sauce and I am leaning towards blackberry, blueberry, rhubarb, and cranberry as my fruit.  Won't be using enough of these to thin the heat out of the sauce and was curious what else I could use to help add to the sauce and reduce the heat a little bit.  I am looking for a middle of the road to slightly higher heat level.  I have half gallon of fermented burgundy pods to use.
red bell pepper- great filler and won't significantly change the flavor of the sauce
any other mild red chiles (if you can find them) like pimento
Apple is a good bulk item, not strong flavor like the berries and helps with consistency
carrots and sweet potatoes-also help to thicken
And the usual culprits of onion and garlic~
Depending on how much sauce you want to end up with...if you want a medium heat sauce, I wouldn't use more than about 1-2 parts 7 Pot -to- 10 parts everything else.  1/2 gallon of fermented 7 Pots will make a ton of medium heat sauce.  You might want to just use a bit of it now for the first sauce (say a cup or 2 of the ferment) and process the rest of the mash in mason jars in a boiling water bath and just save it for later.  If the ferment was done properly, the pH is low enough to boiling water bath the mash safely.  That'll buy you some time to play around with sauces.  Or if you have room in the refer, stick the ferment in there while you're experimenting with the sauces. 
Have Fun!  Post Pics~
i would echo what she said... applesauce, carrots etc works well to tone down the heat a bit by adding sweetness to the sauce. I have also done the canning the pods  for latter use.. i had such a bunch i used a full case of 1/2 gallon jars...
the latter sauces were very good... so go experiment with different  combinations and post your results..;)
applesauce, carrots and red pepper all will work and none will effect the taste near as much as the fruits you're thinking about Jeff.  Not saying the fruits are a bad idea by any stretch - just saying the applesauce, carrot and/or red pepper will 'homogenize' a little bit easier.  The stuff you list is definitely going to be detectable in the sauce whereas the other three will get lost in it.  If that makes any sense.  :) 
SmokenFire said:
applesauce, carrots and red pepper all will work and none will effect the taste near as much as the fruits you're thinking about Jeff.  Not saying the fruits are a bad idea by any stretch - just saying the applesauce, carrot and/or red pepper will 'homogenize' a little bit easier.  The stuff you list is definitely going to be detectable in the sauce whereas the other three will get lost in it.  If that makes any sense.   :)
I was just going to use the fruit as a flavoring to the sauce, not as the bulk ingredient.  I really like using red sweets, but currently am low on those.
HillBilly Jeff said:
Not quite sure how to word it.  Making a 7 pot burgundy sauce and I am leaning towards blackberry, blueberry, rhubarb, and cranberry as my fruit.  Won't be using enough of these to thin the heat out of the sauce and was curious what else I could use to help add to the sauce and reduce the heat a little bit.  I am looking for a middle of the road to slightly higher heat level.  I have half gallon of fermented burgundy pods to use.
Vinegar and milder peppers. Guajillo would work very well. Buy a bag of dried, and rehydrate in a liquid you will already be using, or just water. Some lemon to balance those sweet fruits you are already using. Possibly some white onion to help give it a savory kick so it is not dessert-like. Salt. 