Finally got some super hots to grow

I cant believe how hard it is to grow the very hot varieties. Finally got some to plant size and fruiting. I can get seeds to shoot - its getting them to plant size that has me stumped. Habs, jalapeños, Peters and other usual types are a sinch. Any how - I know have Douglahs, Bond Ma Jacques and Trinidad Scorpions to plant stage with Douglas now fruiting.


My Naga Morich is a perfect example of plant going bad for no apparent reason. Tried every thing from putting it where other successful plants are going, to using the best fertilizer etc.

I cant believe how hard it is to grow the very hot varieties

Yep, that's why a forum like this exists. Now try growing in a country where 6 months of the year some areas can be below 0........takes some thinkin', some skills and a lot of worldly assistance.
I cant believe how hard it is to grow the very hot varieties. Finally got some to plant size and fruiting. I can get seeds to shoot - its getting them to plant size that has me stumped. Habs, jalapeños, Peters and other usual types are a sinch. Any how - I know have Douglahs, Bond Ma Jacques and Trinidad Scorpions to plant stage with Douglas now fruiting.


My Naga Morich is a perfect example of plant going bad for no apparent reason. Tried every thing from putting it where other successful plants are going, to using the best fertilizer etc.

Wow i really cant wait for mine this year as my Douglah plants are only as big as my thumb!
I cant believe how hard it is to grow the very hot varieties. Finally got some to plant size and fruiting. I can get seeds to shoot - its getting them to plant size that has me stumped. Habs, jalapeños, Peters and other usual types are a sinch. Any how - I know have Douglahs, Bond Ma Jacques and Trinidad Scorpions to plant stage with Douglas now fruiting.


My Naga Morich is a perfect example of plant going bad for no apparent reason. Tried every thing from putting it where other successful plants are going, to using the best fertilizer etc.

Hey there stranger how are the plants i gave you i will have to take a pic of the ones i have left
Hey there stranger how are the plants i gave you i will have to take a pic of the ones i have left

They are big boys now mate - many thanks for those. Off the scorpion pod i got off you - I managed to get a really good plant from seed. Did you manage to get your Peter Peppers growing?
They are big boys now mate - many thanks for those. Off the scorpion pod i got off you - I managed to get a really good plant from seed. Did you manage to get your Peter Peppers growing?
yes i got 3 of them starting ..some of my other types have pods on them and others are only just starting to flower but all is good . how did you mate go with his
My Naga Morich is a perfect example of plant going bad for no apparent reason. Tried every thing from putting it where other successful plants are going, to using the best fertilizer etc.


My Naga Morich did something similar to that, just dropped all of its leaves like it just got plain bored of them, then sprouted loads from all over the place.
The chinenses are generally pretty slow to germinate and grow up to transplant size compared with Annuums. Once they start into grow mode they usually rocket along though.
Surprisingly, I find baccatums easier to grow compared to annums.

I have three baccatums growing, aji crystal, aji limon, and hot lemon, and they're growing very, very well so far. I didn't count, but they're either 100% germination or very close and they're growing very quickly.