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Finally got the homeowners association to let me grow...

After about a year of arguing with them, I got the condo association to allow me to grow - at maximum - two plants on my back patio. Their original argument was them being afraid that one of the kids that play in the field behind my unit may mistake the pods as a sweet fruit and have a bad reaction--but, I pointed out that they shouldn't be grabbing things off my patio anyway.

I've already got two brains that have popped (I'm still shocked at how easy it was to get those seeds to pop, took but a couple days!). I started them the last week of february, a little late for Missouri, but it was the earliest I had permission. Is there anything I should keep in mind or watch for? This will be my first grow season, and since I'm very limited on space I want to make sure I get this right the first time.

Thanks in advance guys!
Yeah, unfortunately there's 6 condo buildings that run as a rectangle, and ALL the kids in the area play in the field that's behind them. My unit just happens to be right in the "hot spot" for them, with kids constantly going past it. We all know kids these days have no manners, so I can see how they'd be worried that some kid may think they're fruit (which they technically would be right) and pick one off and eat it. Finally I made the threat to rent my unit out to the most ghetto east side st. louis family I could find if they didn't work with me on this. :rofl:
Sucks to have to deal with those HOA's I would have one heck of a time with someone telling me what I could do on my property.
Glad you were able to work it out and be able to grow a couple plants though.
Check out the growing area of the site. Lot's of help in there.
Sucks to have to deal with those HOA's I would have one heck of a time with someone telling me what I could do on my property.
Glad you were able to work it out and be able to grow a couple plants though.
Check out the growing area of the site. Lot's of help in there.

No doubt. I'd tell them where to go and how to get there.... something to do with flying and leaping.....
Oh, they definitely got grilled by me on a consistent basis. They definitely don't like the fact that I actually know my rights and have looked into every loophole around their rules I can find.
I feel your pain Derrick... my Condo Association has set some common land aside for vegetable gardens, but the most ground I could con talk them into was 20x20 feet. I grow a good balance of veggies, so the most space I have for peppers is 6x20 feet plus whatever I have in pots.
At least they have enough of a sense of humor that when I replied that kids grabbing chiles and eating them would be a self-correcting problem, they laughed too...
Yeah, unfortunately there's 6 condo buildings that run as a rectangle, and ALL the kids in the area play in the field that's behind them. My unit just happens to be right in the "hot spot" for them, with kids constantly going past it. We all know kids these days have no manners, so I can see how they'd be worried that some kid may think they're fruit (which they technically would be right) and pick one off and eat it. Finally I made the threat to rent my unit out to the most ghetto east side st. louis family I could find if they didn't work with me on this. :rofl:

Well, I think eating a stolen superhot might teach them some manners. Talk about instant karma...
Yeah man, stick it to em! Bet they didn't say how big they were allowed to be. Grow 2 plants but make em monsters! lol

Good on you for sticking up for your rights. A gentleman's house is his castle and should be allowed to plant as many pepper plants as one wants. Heck the HOA should make it a rule that every property HAS to have at least 2 peppers plants.

Stuff the kids, they don't pay the bills! lol

Good luck to you and congrats on the victory :dance:
I had a similar situation the first time I grew chilis, 12 years ago (Wow, starting to feel old). I was in a complex of townhouses, each with its own patio that was semi-enclosed. Luckily the 6 plants I grew proved to be no issue for the property management. By the end of summer, I had 2 healthy orange hab plants loaded with pods. One day I came home, hoping to be ready to harvest, and every single pod is gone. I immediately get on the phone and start accusing friends of stealing my peppers just to mess with me. I guess the apartment had thin walls, because about 5 minutes later my neighbor knocks on the door. Her 3 year old had apparently wandered into my porch, harvested every pod, then proceeded to take them home to his momma! She had no idea what they were and threw them in the trash. Luckily the little guy didn't try eating any or breaking any open. I would have felt bad in the situation if he had.

I agree with PJs, grow two MONSTER plants, that'll teach em!
That's the plan GPS. If anything goes wrong with these plants, I won't have time to start over. If that should end up the case, do you happen to sell any live plants? You really aren't that far from me, and I'd love to have a back-up plan.
if them little punk ass kids take something off of your porch they deserve to have the oil from the hots rubbed in their eye!!

i couldnt live in no apartment,condo,neighborhood. i would kill someone!
That's the plan GPS. If anything goes wrong with these plants, I won't have time to start over. If that should end up the case, do you happen to sell any live plants? You really aren't that far from me, and I'd love to have a back-up plan.

I don't normally sell live plants due to all the restrictions for shipping between states, but considering that you are local I would most definitely sell you plants if you need them. I have about 100-150 extra plants at the moment, so I don't see it being a problem.
Man feel lucky I have 6 1/2 acres and it is inside a small village and we have no zoning codes nada we can do anything with our land the only pemits I need is a nursery permit that the state lets me grow and sale plants here and to certain states and a sales permit for taxes other than those two I can do anything Build a house no pemits we dont have any inspectors or building codes. I can hunt on my place etc...
I don't normally sell live plants due to all the restrictions for shipping between states, but considering that you are local I would most definitely sell you plants if you need them. I have about 100-150 extra plants at the moment, so I don't see it being a problem.

Good to know. I'll keep that in mind in case either plant doesn't make it, or if I can manage to get permission to add more. I'm also considering adding a grow light in my man-cave and popping up a few in the basement as well.