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Finally got the homeowners association to let me grow...

BS's are pretty good producers. They'll keep pumping out the pods as long as the weather's good and you treat em right. I had a BS in an 18 gallon bucket last year and in full swing it produced about 25-40 ripe pods every 3 weeks or so. I'd say I got about 100+ pods off of one plant and I wouldn't even consider it that great of a plant. This season will be better.

Good luck
Good to know. I recall seeing someone with a MONSTER plant last year, but I wasn't sure if that was an odd one out or if that's common. I have a couple blue storage totes that are around 3 1/2' across circular and 3' deep, so they will have plenty of root space. Considering my limited numbers allowed, last thing I wanted was a light producer. :onfire:
I'm pushing the envelope. Increasing my number of plants by about a third this year. Last year, the HOA Secretary came and sat on my front porch with me twice and never said a word. (Of course I was feeding and watering him). Hope I can dodge the bullet again this summer. It's squarely a violation of our covenants but I keep it in good taste. If they say anything, I can point out about a hundred other violations (but I don't want to). I believe in the "live and let live" concept.

Big Mike
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I have the opposite problen as far as A$$holes stealing pods.
They go for the super hots.
All my normal stuff gets left alone.
With the internet crap / videos everyone knows what super hots are and steals 3/4 of my pods most of the time.

For some reason they ignore my signs saying "Poison - Systemic used on these plants-not edible".

They also pick the pods I marked first - isolated for seeds.

kids live on the internet these days.
Any that will pick pods probably wants to kill some friends or make a video...
This seems like a self-correcting problem.

Unless they have a serious reaction and end up hospitalized, in which case I'm the one who goes to court even if they DID take them off of my property. There was actually a kid who died recently in missouri after being punished by being made eat chili powder and had a seizure due to it, so it's pretty fresh on the minds of people here.
Unless they have a serious reaction and end up hospitalized, in which case I'm the one who goes to court even if they DID take them off of my property. There was actually a kid who died recently in missouri after being punished by being made eat chili powder and had a seizure due to it, so it's pretty fresh on the minds of people here.

Sometimes I hate people.

Hang up a giant sign..."BY ENTERING MY PROPERTY, YOU IMPLICITLY AGREE THAT blablablabalrblablablablabla"
After about a year of arguing with them, I got the condo association to allow me to grow - at maximum - two plants on my back patio. Their original argument was them being afraid that one of the kids that play in the field behind my unit may mistake the pods as a sweet fruit and have a bad reaction--but, I pointed out that they shouldn't be grabbing things off my patio anyway.

I've already got two brains that have popped (I'm still shocked at how easy it was to get those seeds to pop, took but a couple days!). I started them the last week of february, a little late for Missouri, but it was the earliest I had permission. Is there anything I should keep in mind or watch for? This will be my first grow season, and since I'm very limited on space I want to make sure I get this right the first time.

Thanks in advance guys!

Do the kids in your neighborhood eat snake berries too?
No clue, but considering how dumb their parents are, they probably eat urinal cakes at their local schools.

It's funny; I let my fiance's child watch me eat the first time I used a super hot. She got to watch the out-come of that, her response? "I don't think little kids are suppose to be eating those". She didn't even have to eat anything hot to know not to mess with the supers. :fireball:

She won't eat anything I cook before she asks if it has "grown-up peppers" in it. This was when she was 4 by the way.
I am lucky enough to have a landscaper that is employed by our HOA. And he takes plants as bribes :rofl:

We have actually became good friends and barter garden stuff all the time. I give him extra seedlings, he gives me an unlimited supply of grass clippings, 1Gal pots, and even extra bags of soil.
I freaking hate condo boards/hoa. I got complaints for light pollution even though my neighbors weren't affected, they thought it was affecting the appeal of the building. I had a bedroom glowing, you could easily find which room was mine coming down the highway lol. They first thought I was growing pot and demanded a search, I told them to **** off, then they gave me warning letters. Fortunately they can't regulate what goes on inside my room providing it isn't posing a health risk/nuisance to others. After I got pissed off I decided to hang Christmas lights all over the windows blinking just because. If they give you more problems and make you take them off your balcony, put a basket out full of pods that say free candy. Kids should no better than to trespass anyways, maybe it would be a good lesson.
Well, both plants have made there way to saying hello to the world. Oddly enough, they both migrated from the middle of their respective cups to the far sides. Not sure if that is normal or not, I just found it odd. I guess they shifted during the initial watering?
Hey, if none of those lil' brats steal your super hots you can hand them out for Halloween. That will teach the little snots to quit trying to have fun around your property. Show 'em that St. Louis family ain't got nothin' on you!
So another brain just popped up in the same cup as another. I guess I knocked a seed in when I was getting my cups set up. Considering the first brain somehow migrated all the way to the far side of the cup and this one is 3/4th of the distance of the cup away from that one, is this going to lead to problems, or should I be okay?