chinense finally tried a habanero


Cant find hot peppers in iowa. But i found some dried pods. Cut one in half andbate the halfbwith the seeds... holy crap! I dont need to say anything more

Never again
I was slicing a hab yesterday to jump start a cayenne pepper sauce. I washed my hands really good several times. 3 hours later...I rubbed my eye......MAJOR FAIL! 2 hours and a shower later, I rubbed some sweat off my face....EPIC FAIL!!!

Habs are serious business.
I don't think I will ever eat a dried pepper by itself. It seems like you would end up with flakes stuck everywhere in your mouth.. I really enjoy eating fresh peppers though. Crisp and juicy, with that burst of flavor before the heat kicks in... :)
Bear in mind, you are like someone learning to swim by jumping into the deep end of the pool...

I recommend this approach :D. Not because I have a mean streak, but because it really is the best way to adjust your tolerances.

Buy the hottest pepper you can get your hands on. after that, anything else won't seem half bad.

I've eaten Bhuts, Brainstrain, moruga, 7pots... I think my favorite was the yellow brain. Just know it was also the only pepper that ever made my urine burn.
Bear in mind, you are like someone learning to swim by jumping into the deep end of the pool...

I recommend this approach :D. Not because I have a mean streak, but because it really is the best way to adjust your tolerances.

Buy the hottest pepper you can get your hands on. after that, anything else won't seem half bad.

I've eaten Bhuts, Brainstrain, moruga, 7pots... I think my favorite was the yellow brain. Just know it was also the only pepper that ever made my urine burn.

Oh Jesus, I have 5 of the Brains growing...
Bear in mind, you are like someone learning to swim by jumping into the deep end of the pool...

I recommend this approach :D. Not because I have a mean streak, but because it really is the best way to adjust your tolerances.

Buy the hottest pepper you can get your hands on. after that, anything else won't seem half bad.

I've eaten Bhuts, Brainstrain, moruga, 7pots... I think my favorite was the yellow brain. Just know it was also the only pepper that ever made my urine burn.

Very good approach. After eating a moruga i could practically drink CaJohns trindad sauce for the next few days. The tolerance eventually goes down a little but after being baptized in fire you start to get a real taste for spicy food. The different flavors appear suddenly when eating stuff that normally burns you out. I had a habanero margarita at Salsas the other day and it just tasted wonderful, where as my lady tried it and it was far too hot for her to think about enjoying. Eating a big spicy pod will change your life!

I am also glad that am not the only that had urine burn lol. I was never going to say anything as i thought i was the only one. I got it after making my Butch T video. Probably because this was the one pepper that i didnt expel directly after shooting the video haha. Why do we do this again? oh yea i almost forgot, i do it for the "Heat"!
Lmfao!!!! So sorry to hear that!

hell no im not trying a bhut!!

Don't hide behind the curtains, man. Jalapenos are for little girls. Work your way up the heat ladder just like the rest of us - you'll learn to love it!

I eat habaneros and scotch bonnets WHOLE. Can't do that with a ghost pepper, though. Way too much for me to eat without lots of food on the side. But some guys here can.. :mouthonfire:

The best part of hot peppers, aside from the taste, is the amazing buzz (endorphin rush). This one time, I had a 3million extract sauce (Mongoose), and my whole body went numb and I felt a crazy rush/buzz that felt like my skin was a million bubbles. I even felt a little tipsy. Crazy stuff..
Ground up some Ghosts last month, put about 1/4 teaspoon in a cup and mixed with 1/4 cup A1 for some magic steak sauce.

Been through the dishwasher a dozen or so times already.

Wife still won't use the cup-----lukewarm coffee still burns her mouth. :rofl:

I LOVE Bhuts--------mixed in something. Habs fresh sauteed with some red and green bells in a fajita. Awesome. I don't "freebase" fresh off the vine---unless stupid quantities of beer are involved.

See, it's not so much the burn going down-------------. :onfire:
i have a set of utensils that only get used for peppers. cutting board, knives, spoons. i can eat habs like they are jalapenos! i love me some hot peppers! in the beginning i got my hands on a variety of hot peppers and cut one up and just ate little pieces everyday till i could handle it, and to this day i eat something really hot to keep my tolerance up! i have a powder i made with 7-9 different types of super hot peppers and i put it on my eggs and pretty much anything i eat other than cereal. i have some brain strain, bhut jolokia, choc scorp, datil, fatalii, bhut carbon, douglah, that i am dehydrating to make more flake!
Bear in mind, you are like someone learning to swim by jumping into the deep end of the pool...

I recommend this approach :D. Not because I have a mean streak, but because it really is the best way to adjust your tolerances.

Buy the hottest pepper you can get your hands on. after that, anything else won't seem half bad.

I've eaten Bhuts, Brainstrain, moruga, 7pots... I think my favorite was the yellow brain. Just know it was also the only pepper that ever made my urine burn.

As crazy as it sounds, It worked for me and I was very hesitant to eat a hab when a simple store bought jalapeno burned my throat.. .I have a video on youtube of me eating my first fresh whole red hab (pretty big) and it hurt like hell but the next one was less and then all of a sudden , the next ones were no big deal at all. I just ate another one two days ago and my tolerance was a bit lower so it burned but it was still tolerable andnow I am immune again lol..
Ahhh, brings back memories!

My first Red Habanero. No idea what I was doing. Numb lips, burning fingers, watering eyes, and endless hiccuping.

Good times! :)

Even Wally-Mart sells Orange Habs up here. Seems like they are all over the place these days. Although the best peppers come from local farmers markets or Caribbean shops.
Man i think im the only one on this board not spoiled with peppers

Only peppers i find are green jalaps. Anahiems and bells

No joke