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fermenting FINISHED a ferment sauce today...

Only let it go for 5 weeks, but I have several others going and I wanted to get this processed today, as I am OUT of savory pepper sauce!

This was a combo of ripe fresno, jalapeno, Bhut's, Fatalli, Datils, and anything else that I had on hand.... oh and a TON of fresh garlic!

Removing the plastic disc I made to force the mash to stay down.

For lack of a better term, it just looks "rich"!

I alter my PH using as much natural ingredients as possible!

Even with my phone-cam this is a decent representation of the color.

The consistency is like SMOOOOOTH catchup! I am a FREAK about texture!!

Sorry I don't have a recipe I just wing it every time.

After I opened the jug, I dumped it all in a large pot and added some water to simmer for 30 min or so.
Then off to the food mill to remove the seeds, then back in the pot with a little white vinegar, salt, and a dash of sugar to simmer for about 45 min.
Then to the VITAMIX to blend the bejezus out of it and force it to be smooth!!
Then back into the pot to simmer until I like the consistency. Once I am happy with the texture I added about 2 cups FRESH lime juice, brought back to temp, and bottled.

It's hot, but not crazy, no noticeable vinegar taste, the thing that stands out is "depth"!!! It just tastes "rich" and .... I dunno.... it almost has a background of tomato paste even tho there is NONE in it! I
It's REALLY good! I am excited to try it in a week when its cooled off and melded a little more!

The "money shot" !

It tastes and smells exactly like schriracha, with a LOT more heat!

Video - http://s73.photobucket.com/albums/i230/bigdonniebrasco/?action=view&current=TEXTURE.mp4

Kat that sauce has really great color and from the video looks about Med thick which is right where I like mine to be. That way it stays put but isn't too hard to pour.
Your sauce sounds great but I have to ask, Why would you cook your sauce that you spent all that time fermenting?
That just killed all the beneficial bacteria that you grew in it...
I would never cook a sauce that I spent time letting it ferment..
I'm not knocking your recipe anything, I was just curious of why.....
Kinda sounds like she wanted the extra sweetness of a Sirracha type sauce. Sounds very tasty for sure! Man I am going to have to break down and go BUY :( some peppers and try a pepper ferment! You all have inspired me!

Hi Kat
I've gotten 4 quarts of powder out of my gochus, maybe it's time to ferment the rest to make sauce! It sure looks like an easier process than making gochujang. I wonder what it would taste like with hoisin sauce, garlic, ginger and kanjang (Korean miso) in it?
Your sauce sounds great but I have to ask, Why would you cook your sauce that you spent all that time fermenting?
That just killed all the beneficial bacteria that you grew in it...
I would never cook a sauce that I spent time letting it ferment..
I'm not knocking your recipe anything, I was just curious of why.....

Hi Littlejoenc, welcome to THP
There are several schools of thought about sauce making one of which is leaving them raw. some like the flavor of the raw sauces as well as the beneficial's associated with it. Others, myself included think that raw is Salsa and cooked, think of Spaghatti Sauce, is a sauce. Also I have never been able to get the smooth consistency of a cooked sauce from a raw one. Essencially it all boils down to what your personal preference is. There is no wrong answer, well unless possibly not trying fermentations at all. :)

Hi Kat
I've gotten 4 quarts of powder out of my gochus, maybe it's time to ferment the rest to make sauce! It sure looks like an easier process than making gochujang. I wonder what it would taste like with hoisin sauce, garlic, ginger and kanjang (Korean miso) in it?

Hey Rick, that does sound like a good combo, just remember that any sweetness added to a fermentation like the Hoisin sauce will keep the flavor but will loose its sweetness. so if you want the sweetness save it to add after the fermentation is complete and you process the sauce.
Your sauce sounds great but I have to ask, Why would you cook your sauce that you spent all that time fermenting?
That just killed all the beneficial bacteria that you grew in it...
I would never cook a sauce that I spent time letting it ferment..
I'm not knocking your recipe anything, I was just curious of why.....

No offense taken :)
I have LOTs of sauces and this particular batch was formulated to be a Schriracha knock off with PUNCH.
For that I needed to cook it down, add some sweetness, and shoot for a specific texture. At the end of the day I think I nailed it for what I was looking for.

That being said, I have TONS of lactofermented foods in the house! I have several crocks with assorted Pickles, veggies, peppers, Kefir, Kraut etc.

So I am aware of the heath benefits of lactofermented goodies, and I would normally NEVER cook them....this was one exception :)


Hi Kat
I've gotten 4 quarts of powder out of my gochus, maybe it's time to ferment the rest to make sauce! It sure looks like an easier process than making gochujang. I wonder what it would taste like with hoisin sauce, garlic, ginger and kanjang (Korean miso) in it?

I want to add some fish sauce one day !!!