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First 40 Transplants - 02-07-09


Here is a pic of my first 40 transplants of 2009. Seed sewn 09 January 2009 and today is 07 February 2009. 29 days from seed.

Dorset Naga, Bhut Jolokia, and Naga Morich.

My cost so far is 60 cents each....10 cents for the 3" container, 10 cents for the soil, 20 cents for nutrients, 20 cents for electricity...

thanks Potawie...I am going to grow about 40 supers, maybe 60. These will be my "special" projects...

The others I will either give away or hopefully sell at some of the local farmers markets. I have another tray of nagas, bhuts, and dorsets that were planted last Friday too....

I doubt if many people will buy the superhots. I am going to start about 5 or 6 more trays of annuums, a couple more trays chinense, and a bunch of tomatos...probably 3-4 trays...

I will end up planting somewhere in the neighborhood of 1200 seeds...

thanks bigt...

Nice. How do you get so many leaves per plant in such a short time? With the exception of some Bhuts, most of mine (sown about 1/6) still have only two and at most four leaves.

I don't know Mike other than the nutrient combination I am using....but I can't rule out great seed stock either (good genetics)...
Man AJ you are always setting the bar so high. Your babies are looking beautiful.

I started to transplant a few of mine in the past couple of days too. They're a bit leggier than yours but still looking good to me. I'll see about adding a picture later.
Very nice AJ. Every time I see your pics i want to start using all the goodies your feeding those things but I start my seeds too early to let them get that big, that quick. But again, it is very impressive to see what the nutes will do. Great job.

thanks all...I will stop using superthrive in a couple of weeks...I want them tall and sturdy so I figure about 6-8 weeks will be enough, then I will switch fertilize to the fruiting/flowering formula and hopefully will have some peppers in about 90 days or so....hopefully will have ripe superhots by July 1st...

I have been thinking about it and when to use it...to me, using it now is cool because it is promoting the growth I want....
wordwiz said:

Nice. How do you get so many leaves per plant in such a short time? With the exception of some Bhuts, most of mine (sown about 1/6) still have only two and at most four leaves.


I second this. Looks to me like AJ has some sort of trade secret. Come on great one share with your minions. :lol:
AJ's is really ARod. He dilutes his urine (after hitting three homers in a game) and applies it to his plants!

Notice the similarities:
ARod was from Texas - AJ is from Texas.
Both their names start with A.
Both of them do things us mortals cannot do.

Just giving AJ a hard time!

16 Congo Trinidads and 9 Seven Pot 02-08-09

27 days from seed...

these are the peppers I am truly looking forward to growing this year...I loved the Seven Pots last year and didn't have the congo trinidad seeds but I have them for this year....yeaaaaaaa...

first pic....congo trinidads


second pic...Seven Pot...

Mike...thanks I think... :shocked:

PP...I am just following the prescribed levels for Botanicare Pro Grow and Superthrive...plus keeping them at 82-86F and blowing a fan on them as hard as they can stand it for 30 minutes twice a day...the fan works wonders in increasing stem toughness (and diameter from what I have read)

Only compliments were meant!

I may have to transplant a bunch next week - they are getting close to that 3" point now. Given my druthers, I would like to wait a couple two, even three weeks.

BTW, if you don't reuse your containers next year and need to buy some, take a look at Novosel Enterprises - I paid a buck-seven for 18 3" cell flats that are 3.5" deep.

Mike...all of these had great root balls and I think if I had waited another week, it would have been pushing it because the leaves were starting to crowd each other and cover each other up...I wanted to give them as much light as possible...

I saw roots starting to come out of the bottom of the starter tray this past Monday and knew it was time to transplant this weekend....I just don't want them to get rootbound and stunted at an early stage...

I do reuse my 3" containers...thanks for the link in case I need some more....

I'll be curious to see what my plants' roots look like. I transplanted some Hibiscus plants (11 of them) yesterday and they didn't really have any type of 'ball.' But they were, at most, 12 days old. Just couldn't wait on them them any longer - they were still a little tall for a 4" pot.

Been adding a bit of 4-7-10 tomato-tone fertilizer every other watering for the peppers. There are 45-50 peppers in about 40 sq. in. area so they should have a bit of room to grow.
