chinense First Bhut flowers

My first set of flowers didn't make it. After that, though, it's been "attack of the killer pods". These peppers are going to be coming out of my ears in another month- not a bad thing at all!
Got my seeds from NMSU,
they were all germinated the same time and using same promix
Somehow the one on the left always had curly leaves and the one on the right is a little behind in height
the flower pics are from the second from the right
the curly leaf one also has flowers whilst the second from the left has just started flower buds
the two in the middle have nice double stalk growth from young
Pots are 10" to get an idea of plant size


I believe I seeded them last week of March
anybody have any idea how long before full sized pods if these flowers come through?
bad news is the flowers didnt take, so they all dropped
but the plants are growing fast so maybe the next set of flowers will turn into pods
lennyk said:
bad news is the flowers didnt take, so they all dropped
but the plants are growing fast so maybe the next set of flowers will turn into pods

You know, I noticed this weekend that my Bhut has only produced two pods. It bloomed quicky, but it must have dropped most of those flowers. I was thinking that it's supposed to be a long season plant, and maybe I was expecting too much too early. My chocolate hab, however, has a couple of pods starting to turn, and bunches of green pods.
well it looks like I am getting some flowers turning into pods now, fingers crossed.
I built a shelf and put them outside in full sun.
They seem to be growing better now, a lot of sprouts coming out from the stem instead of growth only at the tips



Your plants are looking good! Mine finally started putting out pods, too. I guess we were just in too much of a hurry.

I like your carpentry, too, btw.
i have a couple of nice pods and a few flowers on one of my Bhuts they are on the plant that is in the Pro-Mix but the plants that i have in the garden are not producing any flowers yet and all of my nagas are going crazy I have around 300 pods total on all my nagas. The Bhut's are from NMSU and were started some time in march.


