First Brain Strain Oh my god...

So my srfb full of a variety of supers came from romy6 today, got a few more than I expected (Thanks man!).
They are all types I have not tried yet, but I had to pick one. Well, the first super hot I heard of on this site was the brain strain, so to honor my love for THP I chose that one. A lot of people say it is the hottest they have had, even over reapers, and I have heard it has a nice flavor too.
I cut it open and saw a ton of oil, and the smell hit me from a foot away. I popped it in and tasted the fruity flavor everyone talks about, then I felt the "soldering iron" effect. Then it got worse, and worse...
Soldering iron is an understatement- These things are F*ing hot.
Eight minutes of pure pain followed by a huge endorphin rush. I was woozy as hell and my ears were ringing, nose running. Needless to say I am sort of afraid to try any of the others in the box. I thought I could handle heat but there was no getting away from this kind, and milk did absolutely zero to help. I just had to hover over the toilet with my mouth drooling.
I Loved it in the end though and know round two will be soon, even though I can feel the stomach cramps. At least I am not the type to have to hiccup, that would not be pleasant I am sure.
Got video of the experience but I am afraid of losing "man points" if I post it. Plus I don't know how to do that yet.
I have a higher respect for all of you who regularly do reviews without flinching.
romy6 said:
 That is an experience you will never forget. I vote ya post the vid. I can walk you through it  ;)
I never posted one on here before. I just got it started uploading. I know how to do pics but not so sure about vids?
Phil said:
post it to youtube first. Then copy the link and click the hyperlink button in a new post. paste it in there.... viola.
Thanks Phil! That's kinda what i thought. It's finishing uploading now. I'll post soon as it's done. I'm at my parents and they're way out in the country and only have DSL. They're so far away from the hub that it's taking forever.
pepperdan said:
My first Trinidad scorpion I compared to takeing a red hot coal off the bbq grill and setting it in my mouth for 10 minutes, no drooling or other issues but I bet my blood pressure was 190/120 for 15 minutes
I have high blood pressure as it is, so I need to keep this in mind!
you think THAT one was bad, look whats brewing up here in PA...


Pex, those pods on the plant in the last picture are just scary looking. Have you done this long enought to know if the hydro plants produce hotter, or less hot peppers than growing them in soil? Tom
cycadjungle said:
Pex, those pods on the plant in the last picture are just scary looking. Have you done this long enought to know if the hydro plants produce hotter, or less hot peppers than growing them in soil? Tom
about the same tbh, ive had a hydro red 7, plenty as hot as a soil one.
Ok so I ate the pepper at around 5:00 PM, and nine hours from consumption at 2:00 AM I was woken up by bad stomach pain. It is normally very hard to wake me up by the way.
It is like a lump of hot coal is still sitting there, it literally has not moved all day. Is this normal when eating a whole pod this way?
I know it probably really HAS moved on lower down, the "have to go soon feeling" is coming. But that spot in my stomach is no joke.I ate a couple scorpions last year but I played it safe and did slivers at a time.  I am sure someone has had this experience before?
That is common with some people, not so much with others. We`re all seeing a spectrum of effects and you don`t get to pick and choose which ones apply to you. For what it`s worth, the first BS I ate gave me stomach cramps for 90 minutes that started abut 45 minutes after I ate it. Once they were gone, I had no other problems. 
I think we all strive to eat/drink something before eating a super hot pepper in an attempt to lesson stomach issues. 
You will fine VERY few (if any) that are hotter than the Brain Strains from Jamie. 