First Brain Strain Oh my god...

GnomeGrown said:
Hope you feel better, dude.
PEX, those pods are sick!
Thank you. 
also to prevent from cramping up like you have Boneitis, try to eat a lot of bananas and peanut butter before hand haha. thats my trick at least.
My only regret is.... having boneitis
Post the vid! No one takes away man points for someone with the balls to pop a whole super hot, no matter the reaction. There's no shame on this sight, just ask Scovie.....
Ok so I ate the pepper at around 5:00 PM, and nine hours from consumption at 2:00 AM I was woken up by bad stomach pain. It is normally very hard to wake me up by the way.
It is like a lump of hot coal is still sitting there, it literally has not moved all day. Is this normal when eating a whole pod this way?
I know it probably really HAS moved on lower down, the "have to go soon feeling" is coming. But that spot in my stomach is no joke.I ate a couple scorpions last year but I played it safe and did slivers at a time.  I am sure someone has had this experience before?
Is it only in one small spot, or has it gone to other areas as well as the one place you think is your stomach? Many years ago I had severe stomach pain,(unrealated to peppers) I thought, and when I went to the gastroenterologist, he told me the pain was in the bends in the large intestine, but the worst was in the bend that is right around where the stomach is( I think it is behind). The bends are where the stomach is, just lower a few inches and then the same two places on the right side, half way across your body. It may have just moved from your stomach to the large intestine in that same basic location, and if you are getting that need to go feeling, I'm probably right on my guess. Tom
It went away after another three hours. I just stayed up after that.
Around 9:00 AM evacuation occurred, that was the part I was dreading before I even ate it. I sweated it out and am fine now.
On to the next variety in the box now...
+25 man points will be given for the video lol I kinda like not posting it right away this builds it up and makes me wanna see it even more. :party: such thing as normal when eating these things! Your sense of taste may be off for a few days as well! Great job...Jamie's brains are no joke...almost as hot as mine right Jamie?!?!?! Lol, I have both types of Jamie brain growing!
saugapepper said:
I have eaten a few yellow Brains and they were #&*$*#(%&$@# hot. Growing red this year and should have some ripe pods in the next week or so. I definitely won't be filming that experience. You are braver than I sir!!
I grew yellows last year, put one on a pizza . . . got to the point where I was scared to eat the rest of the pizza.  Good for a diet, though!
That is common with some people, not so much with others. We`re all seeing a spectrum of effects and you don`t get to pick and choose which ones apply to you. For what it`s worth, the first BS I ate gave me stomach cramps for 90 minutes that started abut 45 minutes after I ate it. Once they were gone, I had no other problems.

I think we all strive to eat/drink something before eating a super hot pepper in an attempt to lesson stomach issues.

You will fine VERY few (if any) that are hotter than the Brain Strains from Jamie.

The first brain strain I tried, I brought to work, cut it up into ~1/8s, tried one piece on a pizza, then ate another by itself w/some salt. Immediate effects were pretty funny, flop sweat and uncontrollable tears just pouring down my face. Then about 30 minutes later, pain in the gut that penetrated all the way to my back, lasted about ten minutes. That was also my first superhot.
Prehensile said:
Man I hear you, I got these seeds with this guy Romy6's name on em, grew em up and man what a crazy hot pepper,  Jamie's Strains and now my Strains KICK ASS!!!!!!
Brain Strain and Glock - how could you go wrong?!?!?
Pex, joemomma said that you had a good time with one of his Brains last year?  :onfire: