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First Ever Attempt Growing Peppers!

Hello All,

I thought this year it might be fun to try something new.
So I bought myself some seeds and decided to have a crack at growing some peppers here in
North Yorkshire, UK.

I planted the seeds in soil 6 days ago, and while searching for info I came across this forum.
So I decided to join and to blog my progress....

I have not had much luck growing stuff in the past, so hopefully this thread will help me get it right!

Here are a couple of pics I took today.
Not very interesting....
Still no sign of life, and the waiting is killing me.



I planted 10 Peach Habanero and 10 De Cayenne
As you can see, they are in a propagator inside a spare fish tank which I have.
I don't know if this is a good idea, or whether the light will be suitable / sufficient.
I tried reading up on the lights issue but I don't understand all the jargon, it is very confusing.
There is a radiator behind the tank which is keeping the whole affair nice and warm.

This is all very exciting, I hope it works out. :)
Welcome Tridau!

Others here have used aquariums to start seed, so you're probably in good shape there. I don't find those long, rambling light threads very helpful, either, so don't feel bad. You might need a brighter light once they germinate, though. Is that an aquarium light bulb in there now?

I just use regular fluorescent light bulbs in a shop light fixture, and my plants do just fine.
Welcome from Virginia! Count me as another one who has switched to shop lights. I think the more light you have, (lumens) the faster they grow. If you're going to put them outside eventually, it's not a big deal. You need enough light to keep them happy, even if growth is slow. You probably have enough in that aquarium I would guess, but once seedlings pop up, you might want to line it with something reflective. I've been using plain old white paper on the perimeter of my shop lights.
Thanks for the warm welcomes.
I just had a closer look at the light.
It says on it:

Juwel Aquarium

It is a single tube.
Once the little fellas pop their heads through, how many hours a day should the light be on?

I am going to remove the tube and give it a good clean, it seems a little grubby.
The aquarium has not been used for many years.

I planted the Cayennes in the same cell tray as the Habaneros. Was this a mistake? As I guess the Cayennes will poke through first and will need the lid of the propagator removing?

I have a glass greenhouse, and the plan is to pop them in there eventually. We have a lot of
snow here in the UK at the moment though, and the predictions for spring is that it is going to be seriously chilly.
That daylight tube sounds fine for what you need. You may want to pack them up a bit closer 6 - 8 inches away.

You could also put the tray in the airing cupboard or turn the light on now to provide heat - this should speed up germination.

You want to keep the chillis indoors till risk of last frost has passed. /you will then need to harden them off by introducing them slowly to outdoors. More about this closer to the time.

Chris (Northamptonshire)
hi tridau all what tolemen said and welcome from bedfordshire uk.your bulb shoud do the trick i was using one myself but 2weeks ago swiched to led.re the light some bulbs are used to grow coral and marine plants so it should be fine.
sorry i should say iam new to growing myself and if iam wrong in someway there are alot more exe people at growing on here that can correct me.
Welcome Tridau, actually also a welcome to Toleman and jp102. I have to second what Pam and bigt said, if all you are going to do is put them outside in spring then don't get caught up in all the crazy lumen mumbo jumbo, it does'nt matter. i would on the other hand suggest more than just one tube and put the seedlings about 1 inch from them and you should be fine.

welcome and good luck.

just getting them to germinate you don't have to worry about light. just keep'em warm and not too wet and they'll come up. this is my first year too and i put mine on the tv stand (at protests from the wife). they had a tray like yours, but mine has a heating mat - don't know if you do. ask questions here - someone will answer.
It looks like you got it right so far. Putting some books under your tray is the only thing I can suggest.
Welcome all british dudes.