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fermenting First ferment - Habanero, mango, pineapple

In another post, I talked about my first attempt at a pepper jam. I decided to use similar ingredients for this sauce to see how it would compare. Here's a basic ingredient list:
  • Habaneros
  • Sweet onion
  • Red bellpepper
  • Shallots
  • Garlic
  • Pineapple
  • Mango
  • Yogurt whey
  • Salt
After putting all the ingredients through my food processor, I funneled them into a carboy. This stuff smells absolutely amazing! It makes my mouth water with every whiff I take. I don't know if I'm going to make it until the end of the ferment without taking a taste!
IMO mango and pineapple combined goes extremely well with habs. I like mine sweet though so i add the fruit after the ferment ends or at the end of making a vinegar based sauce. I make homemade kraut a lot so i use some of the kraut juice for my starter culture. Its not pasteurized or processed like store bought kraut.
Not sure if things are progressing. I've inoculated my mash with yogurt whey right after it had been processed, but I didn't see any action so I hit it again. It's been 4 days, but I have yet to see anything that resembles a bubble to tell me that fermentation has started. My house stays at about 78F throughout the day and drops down to 74F at night. Raising the temp would help speed up the reaction, but I would have expected something by now. Any suggestions?