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fermenting First Ferment Oct 04 2015

Ive made lots of pickling but never fermented vegetable (Made lots of wine/Beer in the 70-80's), although you could say natural pickling can be a slow ferment. :)
So this is my Mushroom sauce experiment.
12oz Shiitake
500ml Prunes/Natural Apple Cider Vinegar
200ml Whey
1L filtered water 2% Himalayan Pink salt.
2 scotch bonnets whole
2Tbsp Seasoning salt (I added a pic of the ingredients of the salt, I wouldn't normally use this kind of stuff but this stuff is great)
A couple months ago I did a jar of prunes, cut each prune 3 times, fill jar to top and top up with Braggs ACV. Was going to do a sweet sour sauce but thought it would be good with the mushrooms.
Gently blendered the Prunes and peppers. The ACV was already thick and sweet from the Prunes. Added 1/2L brine to thin it out.
Added Shiitake to the blender and gently mixed once again, My method was that the vinegar should kill any nastiest that might be on the mushrooms.
Add the rest of the Brine, by then the vinegar is diluted enough that it should not hurt the whey.
Add the Whey at the end and put in Jar/Bucket and cap.
Might not be by the Book but will see how it goes :)



Checked it out today and re-Jared it.
PH4. First sniff it reminds me of a dill pickle jar, tastes like dill pickles, full bodied, taste like vinegar, well it is vinegar. No hint of the Peppers, no heat (i'm tasting the clear liquid only), first thing I wanted to do with it is pour it over fish and chips. Its relay hard to pin down the taste, took about 6 sips, reminds me of Malt Vinegar but allot smoother. If I burp I get a light hint of mushroom.
I like it, going to age it and see what happens, use the small jar for testing as things come up. Gives me the knowledge now that one needs allot of peppers. By adding the natural Vinegar it turns the whole thing to vinegar, thats fine, so label it now and stick it in the cupboard. Gives me an idea of what my second ferment will be like.



I wonder how to get it flavored by mushrooms more. 
Maybe investing in some heavily-flavored or scented mushrooms next time?
This sounds like a nice sauce to have on hand!!
Could use as a dressing for salad too, with oil or something.
Did you add anything after it was finished? Did it ferment or is the tang from the vinegar. Usually after processing my ferments and canning I let them rest a minimum of 20 days. After that I can really taste each ingredient and the tang seems to mellow drastically. You might see a major change in your flavor profile after the aging period. :) sounds great otherwise. I love malt vinegar!! With a subtle mushroom flavor!! Yummm
No I didnt add anything. I'm guessing the Vinegar took the mushroom flavor (and heat), also after aging it might still come out, at this point it could still be too "Raw" and still needs at least 90 days. Its def Vinegar, the little I put in the pint jar of prunes would not have been enough to dominate.
Doing a reg veg ferment without the Vinegar would enhance the Mushroom Flavor, I could duplicate this and not add the Vinegar and see what happens.
Def nice dressing, next time im out Il get some salad and maybe some fish, or shred some Beetroot I still have in the Garden :)
Yeah, I was wondering why you added the vinegar to the mix. I think you would have had a much more active ferment without it and while I haven't been able to find anything anywhere that says that the Acidic acid of Vinegar affects the LAB we use I believe that the more acid environment does by slowing them down. Have to say that's an fantastic color, really dark.
No idea what the ferment did since couldn't see it in the bucket, however it did fully ferment. Using the Natural Vinegar should not hamper the fermentation.
Will find out today if I can get some more fresh Shiitake Mushrooms.