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fermenting First ferment.... Please help identify mold growth

I started this mix about a week and a half ago and has been in my Homebrew fermentation chamber at a constant 73°F from day one.

Is the white substance present the "healthy" growth? And is there any concern with the darker colored growth? I haven't really noticed any activity in the airlock or many bubbles in the mash.

I used a yogurt culture for a a starter. Just let a large scoop of natural Greek yogurt Drip through a coffee filter for a few hours.


I guess I can't add a photo from my phone. Will try to do so from a computer.
The black fuzzy mold is a bad sign.  Were it mine I'd pitch it.  Maybe the lime juice kept the lacto from reproducing quickly enough to outpace the nasties or perhaps the cilantro had some dirt or whatever that brought in the bad stuff.  Don't give up!  You did a good job on the airlock by the way.  :)  
SmokenFire said:
The black fuzzy mold is a bad sign.  Were it mine I'd pitch it.  Maybe the lime juice kept the lacto from reproducing quickly enough to outpace the nasties or perhaps the cilantro had some dirt or whatever that brought in the bad stuff.  Don't give up!  You did a good job on the airlock by the way.   :)
I'd think lime juice would help with low pH, which supports lacto bacteria. Curious: why can it hurt?
total noobsauce said:
I'd think lime juice would help with low pH, which supports lacto bacteria. Curious: why can it hurt?
I don't introduce acid such as vinegar and/or citrus into a mash I'm intending lacto to start fermenting in.  I have zero science behind the idea, only many successful ferments to judge by.  For me it's up to the lacto to produce the acid and claim the mash.  I use citrus and vinegar in most all my recipes, but ferments I tend to start with salt only and then add/adjust flavors accordingly during processing.   