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fermenting First ferment questions

Hello everyone, I posted this question/preamble in the Fermentation 101 "pinned" thread but thought it might merit a thread of its own.

this is my first post on the site and I'm looking for a little guidance and reassurance. Found some great information in this thread and wish I had come across this web site before embarking on my fermentation experiments.

A little background info, I live in the UK and this year I've started growing some chills indoors and in containers, luckily I have a good south facing room with a huge long window at work and a very understanding boss, which is great. I have 21 plants and 8 different varieties which have done pretty well considering we haven't had a great summer.

I had a little bit of a glut a few weeks ago when a whole load of chilis ripened at the same time and after canning some sauces and drying a lot I thought I would try and find another way of preserving and came across the fermenting method. I read a few articles and one in particular caught my attention that used a Reisling wine so I made two different mashes one with Fresnos and one with Paper Lanterns using a 2%, kosher, salt mix and topping up with the wine until it was just and inch over the top. The Fresno mix did produce some bubbles after a day or so but the Paper Lantern didn't really do anything. Incidentally I'm using mason jars with airlock lids.

I had another type of chili mature a few weeks after I started the other batches, this time I used the same 2% salt but I just topped up with mineral water. This jar has been bubbling away very successfully for the past couple of weeks and showing all the typical signs or a good ferment, layer separation, bubbles e.t.c. but the other two are really just sitting there doing nothing much. I have even taken some of the juice out the fermenting one and added it to the other jars, separated whey from some live yogurt and bought a starter culture all without any great success. They might bubble away for a day but then they go back to being still again.

Obviously since starting the little experiment I have read about sulphides in the wine stopping the lacto fermentation and this certainly seems to be what is happening but the two jars that I'm talking about now have a very broken down soupy mash without having any adverse smells or growth.

So my questions are;

1) Do you think they are fermenting?
2) Should I just leave them to get on with it?
3) Should I strain the wine off and see if I can get them to start again with just a normal brine solution?
4) Is there anything I could do with the failed mash so and not to waste it?

Sorry for the long winded first post but any advice will be greatly recieved.

Regards, Allan.
Ok so a little more info.

Last night I decided to take the jars out the cupboard, where they're being kept and put them on the kitchen windowsill. We're having a little bit of an Indian summer at the moment and I though the heat might help a little. Low and behold the Fresno jar looked like it had been fermenting a little, there were a few bubbles and some of the mash had risen to the top of the jar. The Paper Lanterns, however, haven't done anything.

Do your u think it may just be a heat problem? Bearing in mind the third ferment is still going strong in the cupboard. Could it be a lack of sugar in the mash mix?

Regards, carty.
So they had to order the heat mat from another store but in the mean time I decided to make another cheeky little mash in anticipation of my heat mat coming later in the week

250g Joes Long
50g Ring of Fire
100g sweet Romano pepper
2 large garlic cloves
8g Kosher salt

All blended together and topped off with mineral water
Just seen something very interesting on TV regarding fermentation. A Sweedish guy was fermenting vegetables and added the leaves from a red current plant because they are very high in laco' bacteria. Anyone tried this or any other high lacto plants to aid fermentation?
Ah ok sorry John. I did wonder about cabbages properties in that respect, I've read accounts of people having "failed" ferments, probaby similar to my own experiences, who have added some kimchi juice and the ferment has bubbled away nicely thereafter. I think I might make some kimchi.
I drain live yogurt wrapped in cheese cloth, in a strainer, over a bowl to get whey. I add a couple tbsp of that to each mash and haven't had any issues. Also I got the seedling heat mat Salty mentioned and I gotta say WOW. I have some older ferments that I hadn't seen any activity in awhile separating and bubbling like mad (for a pepper mash anyway).
JohnsMyName said:
I drain live yogurt wrapped in cheese cloth, in a strainer, over a bowl to get whey. I add a couple tbsp of that to each mash and haven't had any issues. Also I got the seedling heat mat Salty mentioned and I gotta say WOW. I have some older ferments that I hadn't seen any activity in awhile separating and bubbling like mad (for a pepper mash anyway).
Hahaha Hahaha ALRIGHT love hearing that brother!! :)
Carty said:
Ah ok sorry John. I did wonder about cabbages properties in that respect, I've read accounts of people having "failed" ferments, probaby similar to my own experiences, who have added some kimchi juice and the ferment has bubbled away nicely thereafter. I think I might make some kimchi.
I use the cabbage trick for holding back the mash but it also promotes fermentation. Works fantastic.
To start my mash I use Probiotic capsules they work great I'm bubbling after 24 hours!! :) and I use a Hell of a lot less salt!!!! :)
I know someone with a red current bush so I think I might see if I can give that a try.

Do you keep the heat turned on 24/7 until a certain time has passed or does the fermentation just stop? Does letting it go too long cause any rot in the mash? Looking forward to getting my mat, well it's actually a tray but you know what I mean.
Carty said:
I know someone with a red current bush so I think I might see if I can give that a try.
Do you keep the heat turned on 24/7 until a certain time has passed or does the fermentation just stop? Does letting it go too long cause any rot in the mash? Looking forward to getting my mat, well it's actually a tray but you know what I mean.
I let it run for the evenings and off surfing the day and after a couple weeks I stop using. Sorry guy's should have mentioned that.
JohnsMyName said:
Salty, where do you get your pro biotic capsules? Fridge storage I'm assuming.
At my local cvs or Wal-Mart or health market,

I use this four caps for around 1000/1400 grams of mash :)
Carty said:
You take you mash's surfing? Now that's dedication!!
Hahaha Hahaha though I love fermenting I'm not sure how well they'd survive the first set!!! Dam spell check talking with a surfer friend on line today. Was supposed to say during the day!!! Hahaha oops! :)