I use all 6500s from germination to first transplant, then the plants go under an equal mixture of 6500/4100, then if I am going to keep them inside, a few will go in my grow box that is 12K lumens 6500, 12K lumens 4100, and 46.8 lumens of 2700. Last year I only had 13K 2700 but added more 2700 bulbs to give me a total of 46.8....I need to change the 4100s to 6500s and will do that before plants go in there. It will be months before the plants need to be in there...I can grow up to about 14" tall for 360 plants, by that time, I will have to figure something out if we don't get an early spring... to ramblin'...sorry... to ramblin'...sorry...