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First flower!

I use all 6500s from germination to first transplant, then the plants go under an equal mixture of 6500/4100, then if I am going to keep them inside, a few will go in my grow box that is 12K lumens 6500, 12K lumens 4100, and 46.8 lumens of 2700. Last year I only had 13K 2700 but added more 2700 bulbs to give me a total of 46.8....I need to change the 4100s to 6500s and will do that before plants go in there. It will be months before the plants need to be in there...I can grow up to about 14" tall for 360 plants, by that time, I will have to figure something out if we don't get an early spring...

oops...got to ramblin'...sorry...
The first pod, in the picture above had to go today. I didn't have the time to wait for it to turn red. So now I have officially tasted my first home grown chili! And it caught me by surprise too. It's embarrassing to admint, but it made me realise that what I thought was hot before might not be that hot after all. This green little sucker beat all but maybe a couple of habaneros I have gotten my hands on in stores in Norway! Oh, well, my ass will die when the rest of the crop starts to produce :lol:
Thanks! There will be more for sure. Have 16 more plants/seedlings in the early stages. Guess I'll be swimming in peppers in a few months. I expect the Super Chiles alone to produce 200+ pods the next month or two :D
yes the super chiles are prolific! for the small plants I had years ago, the plant made sure it was full of pods.

what are you growing ?
you have the super chile, 7 pot, naga morich, & ?
I haven't been able to sprout the nagas yet. MrArboc sent me some seeds, but the postal service destroyed all but one :( Except for that I have Early Jalapeño, Orange Habanero, Fatalii, Yellow Peter Pepper, Purple Pequin, a red Habanero variety (from a local store) and some kind of spanish pepper (from another local store - mild variety).
sounds like a good mix of chiles for heat.
this being your 1st year growing chiles have fun & dont stop trying other types of chiles, you may find some that you like better or grow better for your conditions. & always keep growing a couple of the ones you like.

I think you mentioned somewhere else on this forum that you were surprised as to how many different chiles there was ?
I was the same way years ago & couldnt believe there was so many different types when I really started to get into growing chiles, I was amazed theres like almost a 1000 different chiles :shocked:

have fun & good luck to you this season. & show us your harvests.
Thanks for the nice words and good advices. I guess there will be more varieties, but I'm not sure if there will be any more this year. A friend has ordered some seeds, so I guess all add Bhut Jolokia, and if my Naga doesn't germinate he's got those as well for me. That takes me to 11. I have room for more, but not lights. And I don't think my GF would let me buy any more :P
I'm still very impatient here, and I don't want to eat all the poor green peppers. :) Anyone of you who has grown the Super Chile who can tell me how long time it takes for them to ripen? Three weeks since the first pod set, and still no signs of any changing colors.
It depends on the temperature and light to a certain extent.

I do know it's one of those moments that prove relativity. From where I'm sitting, time moves forward normally and your peppers are on target for normal growth and ripening. From where you sit,however, as you stare at the green peppers for hours and hours, time dilates, stretching days into weeks and weeks into months until that first red blush finally appears on the peppers.
That sounds like an accurate observation Pam! But are we talking weeks or months. The plants are 1-2 inches from th e250W 2700K CFL, so there should be enough light. The temperatures varies between 28ËšC (82.5ËšF) during daytime and 25ËšC (77ËšF) at nighttime.

It might be too close. I have 105 watt CFL bulbs and they put out a perceptible amount of heat, even at 3-4 inches.

Honestly, though, this is a guess.

I have had the CFL up and running that close for a couple of weeks now, and I can only see positive effects of this. The biggest plant flowers and fruits like crazy. It's got about 50 fruits so far, and more than 100 flowers and buds.
BI, I grew them last year and had many many pods...it took about a month best as I can recall from full size fruit to ripe red and then I picked weekly. This was outside, so there may be differences between in and out.
AJ, I thought you kept it all on record. I'm kind'a shocked here! :lol:

But that means I still have a lot of waiting to do. At least I'll have enough peppers when they first start to ripen. :)
gigglin' here BI....that's another category I will have to add to the data sheets...roflmao...
I just went back and looked BI...I got my first ripe super chiles on 6-17-08...they were planted out the middle to end of april so that means 6-8 weeks from plantout to ripe fruit...