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First flower!

Nope, they sure don't. The socket is called E40 (here in Europe anyway), while the regular one is called E27. It's the same screw socket that is used for HID lamps. That means I can switch to HID if I just buy a ballast (or two) and the bulbs. No need for new reflector.
Yeah I figured as much. Here they call them "mogul" sockets. Don't know why.

Looking good though man. I'm going to have to see about getting me one of those big-assed CFLs
My experience so far is good with those. The only thing I want to warn you about is build quality. One of the lamps was defect with one dead half. After sending a picture to the seller, I got a replace without having to return the old one. Since I'm somewhat tecnical, I opened the lamp to see if I could fix it. There were several pieces of excess soldering tin either floating around or stuck to the components on the electrical circuit (the ballast) inside. I have removed all of these, and so far it seems to be ok :)

BTW: When I came home, I noticed a hint of color change on the tip of one of the fruits! :D
excellent....be prepared, because a plethora of fruit is coming your way
I didn't have the time to download pictures from my camera and process them into jpg before I went to work, so I just took a quick snapshot of the ripening fruit with my really, really sucking phone cam :)


The rate it ripens at is really satisfying. The one in the background with the red tip is about 1 1/2 day behind the front one.
like it has been said, heat & light affects the time which a pod ripens. its different for most people. other than that by the looks of it you should be getting plenty of ripe pods soon, it'll start out slowly 1 or 2 then you'll have several ripe pods.

of course this depends on many things. I mean you are taking this info from people that grew that chile in much warmer temps & grown outside compared to you. so its hard to compare.
Ok, thanks for the info. But when it comes to heat, I'm not so sure the "outdoor guys" have so much more of it. I keep the ambient temp at about 27-29ËšC but the top of the plant is hotter because of the radiation from the CFL.

On a side note: the pod in the pic above was completely orange, with just small hints of green left, by the time I got home yesterday (about 9 hours after that pic was taken). That's fast enough for me :)