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First go at making a hot sauce

After poking around in here and other places around the good ole interweb I decided to try my had at making a hot sauce. I decided I wanted a sweet hot so I got some ideas from a few different recipes I saw and went to the kitchen. So with an idea of where I wanted to end up as far as flavor and heat I blindly went to work and, well both my wife and 4 yo liked it and I took an 8oz jar to work for the guys and it was gone in minutes. Heres the rough recipe, still needs fine tuning so if Y'all have any pointers of ideas, feel free to critique it.

Pineapple Peach Hot Sauce

1/4 large white onion diced
4-5 large cloves garlic diced
15 habanero (mine were the Yactan white ones so they are very small compared to regular orange ones)
6 red cayenne peppers
EVOO enough to sauté every thing above

1-2 Tbls ground coriander
1-2 Tbls ground mustard
1-2 Tbls ground cumin
1/2 tsp allspice
3 Tbls grated ginger root
6 Tbls cayenne powder(wasn't hot enough)
4 Tbls paprika
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 cup white wine
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
1 15oz can of peaches about 2 peaches and all the juice
1 4oz crushed pineapple

Sauté veggies reduce to low to med heat add pineapple cook about 15 minutes. Let cool add peaches, liquefy in blender or food processor. Return to pan add everything else simmer about 1/2 hr adjust consistency as desired (I used more wine and vinegar to thin it out a bit).
Sounds ok except for the choice of peppers. Use what you have at hand though i suppose.
Some yellow 7's or fatalii would be excellent! Any pics of this creation?
As far as end state of what I wanted it's close need to refine it a bit, but Day one it was very sweet at first bite heat was delayed about 2-3 seconds and it wasn't overpowering but not quite as hot as I wanted.

As far as pepper choice, well yeah I used what I have. I'm very limited by space as to what I can grow so I went with my most used peppers habs and cayenne. I'll be moving to AZ in the next few months and am looking for a place more suitable to having a small garden vs just enough room for a couple planters.

The main recipe I used as a guide was this one
But I am with the general consensus on here that it is not truly a sauce if it's not cooked, so threw a few curves in to it
+1 My thoughts exactly; it will be a "hot" sauce but not identifiable as a Habanero hot sauce.
Base (pumpkin, carrot, or fruit), Habaneros, garlic, vinegar, salt, etc. KISS is always best, IMHO.
Cheers. :beer:

Sounds good Thanks for the tip, I'm brand newb to this so experiment and experiment some more till I figure out the art of this new endevor.