was getting ready to start my second jar today. the jar I started 2 days ago. jalepeno garlic and onion on top in 2% brine. is now a little hazy/cloudy and darkened a little. is that normal?
Hard to tell without pictures, but clouding is normal in some ferments. We do fermented stemmed whole jalapenos with chunked carrots and garlic cloves and the ferment clouds up around 5-7 days in (which is when I put them into the fridge and we pull em out as needed).
Your jar of roasted peppers can go into a ferment depending on what else is in the jar with them but the juice from that jar is not going to be a useful starter culture. If you're looking for a starter I have previously used Caldwell's starter (on amazon) with good results. Also have used harvested whey from yogurt as well as some juice from our own homemade (not cooked) sauerkraut. Several other thpeeps use probiotic starter capsules in their ferments with good results as well. Fermenting peppers 101 thread is your friend.
The juice in that jar of roasted peppers from the grocery store likely has at least salt and citric acid, and perhaps other preservatives that will not benefit your ferment.