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harvesting First naga harvest- pictures

Well, after picking off the first few ripe ones of the season for me, i finally had enough to need a plate to hold them.

Naga morich- growing in only a 6inch pot

The quick harvest. Notice the variation in pods
Very nice!
What are your plans with them? Eat them raw, cook them into something? Isn't it exciting to have your first pickings of these bad boys?:)
Thanks guys! My plans are to dry and powder these ones to make some gnarly beef jerky and add spice to everything else. I have 15 naga plants, a few over 4ft tall, and they are all just starting to get ripe pods so I am gonna be swimming in them soon. Some of the pods are HUGE, I have one that is 4inches long and bigger then a golf ball just getting color now. Strangely it is from my smallest plant in a 3inch container! I have been slowly eating them raw, but the heat is incredible so im only able to get through 1 pod max a day at most. Most will go to the dehydrator, as my habs and thais have some pods going now as well.
cmpman1974 said:
Today was a fun day to pick Nagas too. :D Some even made it to 3" long! Chris

Congratulations on great looking Nagas, Cmpman! I have a question, couldn't find your seed source, what is "RAJ", are they seedsmen? Let me know I want to get some seeds too.
