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First Of The Season

well tonight while looking at my pepper plants i noticed a small about 3 inch long cayenne pepper on one of my plants ...well i just could not resist ..... i picked it and ate it and it was damn good !!!!!!!!!!!:onfire:
I have a jalapeno I have been dying to try but I havent done it yet, tommorows payday, that seems like a good time to try it.
I can't wait for that moment. This is my first year growing and my plants are doing pretty well I think. My habs are very bushy and about 10-12 inches tall. The cayennes, thais and jalapenos are more like 20 inches. They have flowered and are starting to look like pods are coming. How long from when you put them in the ground until that first ripe pod mrmulcher?
mine has been in the "ground" for about a month now... but been picking off blooms so they will get bigger must have missed one HEHE oh well they are blooming like crazy right now i am letting them go no more flower picking until they are done