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First superhot experience.......

So this is the pepper.....I cut it open and stripped out the seeds away from the membrane the best I could. People on THP seem to always be asking for seeds. So I figured I will keep all of the seeds from the peppers I eat. This is a Black Naga....a pretty hefty size one too.


I figured I would smoke it...since it's gonna smoke me...

first started eating it....I ate most of the placenta that was in that pile too..

This is what I left on the plate....

So I know I didn't finish the whole pepper....but that sonofa ***** was gettin to me....not necessarily the heat, that is tolerable. The endorphin rush was intense. It was makin my heart go. I could feel it beating in my tongue. I'm not in the best of health, I'll say that. Need to make sure I make it through this pepper so I can have a go at another! The heat was mostly on my tongue...the back of the tongue sides of the back...throat a little bit. It felt like it was pressing into the middle from the outsides with the beat of my heart. Other than that I was straight....lol The tip of my tongue and lips where fine..cheeks where fine..no sweat...stomach and throat was fine. Those endorphins are something. When you really feel them for the first time they scare ya. I don't think the heat will ever be the thing that I can't handle...but those endorphins might get me. Only the future will tell. The heat came on full bore by 5 minutes and subsided after around 12 to 15. It faded really fast...like It was banging of the back of my tongue and then just felt like it walked away from the door so to speak ;) Very good pepper...I have about 30 more to go. Bhut, morich, some more black naga's, fataliis (haha fataliis....you're going to be like eating a yellow bell pepper after tonight....pfffftt) I'm hoping tomorrow this pepper treats me good....I don't want to melt away when I sit on the throne......that's all folks
Very well done! The super hots really are quite the full body experience. It's impressive that you took the mouth/throat burn so well. Assuming that I've consumed the pepper on a full stomach I'd have to say that it's the throat burn of some peppers that really gets me.

Which pepper is next on the list? Keep us updated on your super hot experiences.
Very well done! The super hots really are quite the full body experience. It's impressive that you took the mouth/throat burn so well. Assuming that I've consumed the pepper on a full stomach I'd have to say that it's the throat burn of some peppers that really gets me.

Which pepper is next on the list? Keep us updated on your super hot experiences.

Well I tried a small Bhut Jolokia yesterday. Everything was fine until the Coke Zero......I guess carbonation is not my friend, even 4 hours later. It wasn't even that bad of a pepper. Nothing major. I have a naga morich I've been eye balling...haven't decided when I'm going to eat it. I do need to figure out what I'm going to do with the rest of these peppers before they go bad. I'm thinking of drying them, making some powders.

Carbonation really can be a bitch. I'd recommend trying a fatalii while it's still fresh. Don't expect to be blown away by the heat after what you've recently consumed but instead expect a delicious treat. At the same time you just can't go wrong with the naga morich. Bon Appetite!
Yes what CC said, "EAT MORE FATALI"
You can freeze the rest of your peppers, and eat them "fresh frozen" all winter long. We cut ours in half, harvest the seeds, then freeze them.
Then you can just pull one out of the freezer when you want, set it on the counter for 10 minutes, and good to go, or just eat it frozen....
I ate all of my Fatalii already! lol They were delicious. I really enjoyed all of the peppers I have eaten so far. I have to learn the ropes a little better is all. Thanks for the advice guys. I'll be back in the saddle soon.