First time grow, how are these looking? [UK]

I will definitely overwinter them, I am investing in a greenhouse too, next year I will grow more than I have this year, might grow some 7 Pot Madballz and Chocolate Reapers :D
Here is an update, I am worried about a few things, would like an opinion.
Pictures are here:
I have one bud with flowers that has gone brown, is this normal because it is forming it's first pod?
And the other problem is white on the stalk at the bottom.
Chucky1991 said:
Here is an update, I am worried about a few things, would like an opinion.
Pictures are here:
I have one bud with flowers that has gone brown, is this normal because it is forming it's first pod?
And the other problem is white on the stalk at the bottom.
These look fine. The flowers always die and brown as the fruit develops, they usually fall off as the fruit gets bigger or you can gently take them off if you want to.
The Stems look fine just hardening off. Somebody said this before but you might wanna pull the lower leaves off.
Your plants look good to me
I think your plants look awesome...I topped all my plants this year and kind of wished I didn't only because (I am a fan of topping BTW) I think it slowed them down and here in Michigan time is precious cause our growing season isn't the longest as others...So leave those sumbitches alone and let them grow because IMHO those plants look as healthy as possibly can be.... :dance:
I also wanted to edit in..Im not sure how much direct sun you get but IME those black generic pots (especially the smaller ones) soak up so much of that heat from the sun it literally can cook your roots...I use the same type of pots and just cover them with white shelf liner.. this isn't detrimental at all I'm just saying... :) is a link to my glog so you can get an idea of what I am talking about.. ;)
Thanks for the feedback guys, will look in to moving them into the shade at peak heat, apart from that I will carry on doing what I am.