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first time with acid reflux

Didn't say you did. Just that some younger people may not understand that prescricptions may have some bad side effects that they may or may not like. That's all.

Here take a look at all the side effects of this drug. Some times it's a choice as to whether you really want some medicine.


The good far outweighs the bad with this drug so the side effects that very few people have is not even a consideration in my opinion.
I would think acidic things like vinegar would exacerbate the condition.

That's interesting - I wouldn't have thunk it.

I use vinegar or lemon juice. The way it was explained to me is there are 2 types of heartburn. One type is when your stomach does not have enough acid to digest food so it kicks into overdrive and produces too much. In this case, a spoonful of something acidic tells your stomach hey there's enough acid in here and it stop kicking extra acid out. No more heartburn. I could be wrong on some details, but that's the basic gist of it.
Cool info, thanks!

Fortunately I'm only hit once every couple months - and it's usually my fault. The older I get the less I can handle pizza. Sucks as I <3 pizza. Pizza doesn't <3 me.

And a Zantac generally knocks it out in a lick, so I'm feeling fortunate to not have to deal with prescription meds.
I have been using 40 mg Nexium for years now from taking so much Ranger Candy while in the Army and if I go more than a day or 2 without it, it feels like a Knife has been plunged into my gut. Apparently once your on it for daily use, your on it forever. Doesn't bother me though as when I take it my stomach is Cast Iron.