in-ground First year growing in the ground, need some advice


I have decided to take a chance at growing in the ground this year as I have a large space behind my apartment building that is unused and some what hidden.
It is 4 feet deep by 20 feet long facing the west side of the building
I live in Toronto, and my soil according to the soil map is clayey silt till (whatever that means, I am assuming its heavier on the clay side)
I have mixed in my last years pro mix, bat guano and a bag of perlite but I am unsure if that will be enough for the drainage.
I am wondering if I should just go back to pots with pro mix or take a chance at growing them in the ground
Any help would be great :)
Try some and see how they do. Is the soil hard if you dig down a ways? If it is it will take some time to soften that with the amending of compost.
I have clay soil as well and drainage is not really a problem but I do grow all my peppers in containers as my garden area is small and now has 13 Comfrey plants I am using as green manure to boost the nitrogen in my compost.
Those plants look great by the way.
For what its worth I grew scotch bonnets in ground last here in Toronto and they did pretty well - even with the wet summer we had.  I used a mix simliar to yours and had them fruiting pretty well towards the end of the season ( they were on the south facing side of my place and received good amounts of sunlight ).  However some of my super hots didn't do well because of too much rain.

Did you buy your plants that size or grew 'em out indoors?
SpraysOnTheWayOut said:
For what its worth I grew scotch bonnets in ground last here in Toronto and they did pretty well - even with the wet summer we had.  I used a mix simliar to yours and had them fruiting pretty well towards the end of the season ( they were on the south facing side of my place and received good amounts of sunlight ).  However some of my super hots didn't do well because of too much rain.

Did you buy your plants that size or grew 'em out indoors?
 I grew mine indoors from seed since Jan 15th. so they have had some time to grow.
It looks great to me. Your plants are farther along than mine. I also have clay soil, as well as a shorter growing season and I do okay.