fertilizer Fish Fertilizer indoors... Seriously

Why didn't I think of that.... hasn't work for the last 30mins, and my house is now freezing as it has been snowing all morning... crap. I wonder if i should just flush the plants in the sink or something... how long is this going to last ?
Did you foliar feed or water the soil. The misting to me seems worst smelling but the scent disappears faster then the soil feed. I always have fans running

I bottom water with it in my bedroom and foliar feed. I use a 1/4 strength solution though. Blow a fan on the top of the dirt. Once it drys up a bit the smell goes away faster.
Activated charcoal scrubber :D. Seriously time and airflow are your best friends to beat odour. An addition of something like biochar to your growing medium also helps absorb excess odour (won't eliminate it though)
Maybe you could try a container of baking soda in the grow tent? I know people put it in their fridge to help with odors and stuff so maybe it would work with the fishy smell. Not sure if it would soak up the moisture in the tent though... Worth a shot I suppose :)
Air freshener don't do nothing to that stench ! Only took eight hours but its about gone ! Hope it wasn't a bad thing to fertalize and pot up and the same time.
If the plants and (the fish ferts) are still inside...I don't think there's much you can do.

I had a skunk spray my room mate in our kitchen when I was in college...(the idiots I lived with would NEVER close the backdoor and all kinds of critters would come in the steal the cat food)...I was able to *mostly* neutralize the odor with a concoction on baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and dish washing soap.

But since the source of your smell is still inside, I doubt that would help. Good luck!
How in the heck fire do i get the smell out quick ?!?

Do not use it anymore, fish fertilizer is not good. Organics in general are not effective in containers unless you have a colonies of microbes which is supported by temperature. if the temp is not perfect the organics in the soil will not be broken down into food for the plant. A reason I stopped organic in pots all together.

Spray the surface with hand soap.
Do not use it anymore, fish fertilizer is not good. Organics in general are not effective in containers unless you have a colonies of microbes which is supported by temperature. if the temp is not perfect the organics in the soil will not be broken down into food for the plant. A reason I stopped organic in pots all together.

Spray the surface with hand soap.

Seriously? The OP is asking about how to get the smell out immediately, why do you feel the need to take the time and respond with an opinion on what type of fertilizer he is using? LOTS of people around here use fish emulsion in container VERY successfully, myself included. Just because something doesn't work for you doesn't mean it DOESN'T work. Please back up your claims with some references, especially if you are always going to be so black and white about everything!
Your right. I just had better results with sythetics thats all.

"Seriously? The OP is asking about how to get the smell out immediately, why do you feel the need to take the time and respond with an opinion on what type of fertilizer he is using?"

"Spray the surface with hand soap. " :cool:

BTW: The OP asked how to get the smell away, NOT using it anymore would be the best way..... :cool:
Do not use it anymore, fish fertilizer is not good. Organics in general are not effective in containers unless you have a colonies of microbes which is supported by temperature. if the temp is not perfect the organics in the soil will not be broken down into food for the plant. A reason I stopped organic in pots all together.

Spray the surface with hand soap.
if you are doing organics properly fish fert. In containers is a great amendment.
As for temperature you make it sound like it has to be exactly the right temp to a degree or something.
That is misleading you basically just have to make sure its not extremely hot or extremely cold (as with any type of growing) pH is a more important factor in uptake of organic (or any nutes) for most people to consider because it has to be measured (ie its not something which you can feel) . My 2 cents in case you wanted a deposit :D
*The correct temperature so as not to kill the microbes... hmm i may have to install and thermo device on all of my pots. NOT! :rofl: