Fish Pepper

i haven't grown it but will eventually add it to my collection just for its foliage beauty. just do a forum search...many other members have grown them and they are readily available. i am sure you will loads of info on them.
I grew it last year, and I must say it is a beautiful plant. Peppers were nice and tasty with a decent heat, and it was fairly prolific. I did notice that the branches were a little less sturdy than I would like. Multiple times, I snapped of a section of branch while picking peppers because I wasn't being too careful. Might have something to do with the branches being variegated?

That's all I got......but you should grow it to see for yourself!
I grew it last season. Not only is the foliage variegated, the pods are as well until they eventually turn all red when very ripe.
I'm pretty sure I got my seed from SSE too. Nice plant.
I personally find that they look sick/unhealthy. They are considered a genetic flaw that only really still exists because some people liked the strange looks of the variegation and kept the flaw going. Its actually lack of chlorophyl production that causes the white streaks, and lack of chlorophly production is not really a good thing for plants. The peppers themselves are pretty good tasting, and were traditionally used to flavor fish
ornamental and nice heat/flavour. unripe pods have hints of variegation too.

I have a few growing. It looks like some drops of bleach got spilled on the leaves. I had a split second freak out last night when I was looking at my plants and saw the leaves...then I remember it was just a fish pepper (I've been a little lazy and haven't been monitoring my small ones that much, I just check to see if they need water). :o I hear the pods are tasty but I haven't been able to try one yet.
I had a buddy, Steve from upstate New York, that had a variegated plant go all white on him, white pods, white leaves. Crazy looking plant, he sent me seed but mine had green mixed in.
I picked up a couple fish pepper plants from Cross Country Nursery and I'm excited to see how they perform in Baltimore. I'd really like to earn more about how people used to cook with them back in the day and maybe create some sort of awesome Baltimore Fish Pepper Crabcake.
I grew it last year. It's worth growing as a pure ornamental so pods' flavour is a bonus, which is good as I didn't think the flavour up too much. The variety also has a pretty interesting history detailed here: which makes it a decent talking point plant as well.

My seeds germinated very well although it is worth noting planting more seeds than desired so you can disgard any non or poorly variegated specimens.


unripe pods

ripe pods

Also of note, one of my overwintered plants grew back pretty much all white and is really, really weak as a result. You definitely can have too much of a good thing when that thing is variegation.
i've got one of these growing from seed, it was the only one from 8 that germinated (not sure if it was me being useless or duff seeds!). it looks great even though it is still quite small, will get it out in the garden come april or may.
First time this year for me, the stem is really striped, and it's around 6 in tall, I am curiois as to this one, if i don't like it I won't grow it next year.
This Is the origional pepper in the secret Old Bay Seasoning recipe.They definatly take it up a notch...A bit tricky to grow but worth it if you search around a bit for the knock-off recipe.Good on all things calling for Old Bay especially grilled corn in my opinion...