• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!

hot-sauce Fla. Inmates Make, Sell Own Hot Sauce

Hot sauce.....BORING!

Call me when they start selling Pruno.


Seriously though, is the sauce any good? I'm kinda intrigued and definitely sounds like a good cause to me!
Txclosetgrower said:
Hot sauce.....BORING!

Call me when they start selling Pruno.
Seriously though, is the sauce any good? I'm kinda intrigued and definitely sounds like a good cause to me!

A) Yes, it is good. To put it in a different perspective for you, lets just say anything Allen Boatman is involved with is top notch.

B)And as for prison wine(never heard the term "pruno" before, but it's a good one) I made the stuff a few times back when i was in high school and that shit is rough and NASTY.