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recipe Flare Berry

I’m a new member as of today. I had a chili mix fermenting since Oct, which was essentially the final harvest of smaller peppers that popped late - red and orange habaneros, hot cherry. The ferment had some garlic and a tiny bit of onion and carrot… but not much. It wasn95% pepper (and of course 2ish % salt). All grown here.

Last week, I pulled a half gal or so home grown raspberries out of the freezer, plus a handful of blackberries to get headspace right, and threw them in the ferment for about five days, adding an additional 1% of salt for the new volume. It got pretty active quickly. First, I had removed some floating Kahn yeast and used freshly sterilized vessels.

I strained it through my kitchen-aid mixer’s sausage stuffer / strainer attachment, tossed the heavy skins and seeds, but scraped the berry “mush” (sample in pic) back in.

It was modestly salty so I added 1/2 (large) squeezed lemon, 2 (small) squeezed clementines, 1/2 cup white vinegar, 1/4 cup red wine vinegar, 1/4 cup honey, and a few (unmeasured) teaspoons of light brown sugar. I did this over the course of 5-6 hours, tasting, adding, and resting my palate.

I used 1/4 tsp xanthum gum to avoid separation. It didn’t need thickened (due to berry mush!).

Produced one 16oz and one 12 oz bottle. Lol. I’m used to batches fermenting by the gallons and making 12-24 bottles!

I tested pH at 3.0.

Glad I tried it. Delish! KaaaBOOM! Cheers.


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Sounds like a great project with an excellent result.

You can dry the tailings.
Dry and use as a shaker pepper
Dry and mix with other herbs for a spice blend
Dry and mix with salt and herbs in a spice grinder bottle


Have Fun!!!
Sounds like a great project with an excellent result. You can dry the tailings. Dry and use as a shaker pepper Dry and mix with other herbs for a spice blend Dry and mix with salt and herbs in a spice grinder bottle Options! Have Fun!!! SL
thanks salsalady! We have NAILED preserved salsa a few times, too.

I’ve tried to dry the tailings in the past, but without much luck. I can’t remember the exact problem I was having. I know I used the oven because I don’t have any dehydrators or smoke houses available nearby. Any advice on how to get it right? Mixing it with other herbs and spices is probably the only advice I need to try again.