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Flavor BLASTED goldfish

rainbowberry said:
Well I guess he should shut his curtains and use a bath towel to wrap round his waist instead of a hand towel.... that's when he uses one.

If he knew you were watching it would probably be a levitating hand towel.
imaguitargod said:
You're cute, live on a farm, like peppers, and like good beer?!?!?! Ok, this is too good to be true. Whqat the hell is going on here?

I browsed through Photobucket and it seems like she also likes herps. I can't remember the last time I accidentally "met" a woman who even knew what herps are. (Herpes is another story althogether.)

I think we're doomed...
Fire Angel said:
My daughter is WAY spunkier than me!

As for beer... the Moylan double IPA is a HUGE hop bomb!!! Not sure what the IBU's are, but it is HOP HOP HOPPY!
What a cool little girl, hehe...
rainbowberry said:
Oh for me it's quite pleasant having the bloke over the road that doesn't shut his curtains within visual range.
rainbowberry said:
Well I guess he should shut his curtains and use a bath towel to wrap round his waist instead of a hand towel.... that's when he uses one.
MrArboc said:
I browsed through Photobucket and it seems like she also likes herps. I can't remember the last time I accidentally "met" a woman who even knew what herps are. (Herpes is another story althogether.)

I think we're doomed...

My husband is REALLY into herps, but I like them as well.
SPICY food, Herps, GOOD beer, and MMA!
Maybe I shoulda been a dude!
Love that piccy of your little girl Angel, makes me smile :) I bet she doesn't get that attitude from you.....

Edit: Oh yeah those goldfish thingies sound good:P
Love the picture Angel Fire. :) Sorry, should've said both of them. lol. Now that's a little girl with attitude. I now know what I need to teach my daughter. :) Lucky husband you have. I still can't get my wife to eat jalapenos even when I sneak them in. I'll keep trying though.

By the way, melt some baking chocolate and mix in 1/4-1/2 tsp of 7 pod or Bhut Jolokia powder and put into molds...no better way to set the world on fire.

This is a hot pepper thread so lets talk about hot peppers....:)

This type of conversation can be conducted in the lounge.

Back on track...;)
Since you were mentioning marketing Jolokia Goldfish, have you have the pleasure of having DickT's Nutterz? His Habanero ones are kinda like goldfish in a sense....

moyboy said:
Back on track...;)
Track...track...hmmm...railroad.....train cars....derailed.....yes, my work here is done.
a beautiful woman w/attitude(kid pic is funny!) that likes chiles, beer, reptiles, & country living. you'll fit right in, your husband is a lucky guy.

oh yea I like those goldfish too but never tried them with chile powder.
Just dump the powder in the bag and SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE

*wait a minute for the dust to settle before opening bag!

Pop a beer and WOOO HOOOOO

My husband IS lucky.... lucky I don't whip his ass!
He's my bitch ;)
Bugger me i can't see any lewd comments any time soon Angel!!! What does he eat? Oh that's right, anything he bloody well wants!! :)
Keeping on topic ;)
He eats whatever I cook if he knows what's good for him!
Is that a goatsweed pepper in your avatar? I need seeds ... hint hint ;)

We grow a lot of HOT peppers, and we make sauce, and we pickle peppers so this fall I'll post some of our garlic, naga, Hab sauce!!!
100% organic grown on our farm!! NO CARROT FILLER!!!!! :)
I have sent you a pm Fire Angel, however i dont know how many seeds you need. Apparantly these thing produce heaps of pods.