Florida Wild = Calusa Indian Mound = Grove Pepper

Yep. I thought they were rather wide as well. Great looking plants though! Hey, you got a pic of your flowers? Or the fruit begining to form? I thought these looked a bit lime green compared to other pics I see. I assume the flowers have that sharp angle downward until polination and once the fruit starts forming the flower stem turns up right?

Another thing I noticed about this plant and I see Saugapepper's also displays, slight hairy undersides of the leaves:

Do your plants display this characteristic as well?
Definitely not looking like the darker green egg shapped pod on you guys' plants. Also, No furry underside of the leaves. I thougt I had some furry undersides but it was just seed spores from some other organism upon closer inspection. This is what Im getting. For Pods...

I guess there are many different types of Florida Wild... the ones RedTailForester sent me the branches/stem has purple markings. Surprisingly his ripened to red and mine only go to orange.
BOut to head through 192 towards my home town of Palm Bay. There are endless wildlife preserves and old abandoned orchards out there. I'll hop out of the car and trek through some for a while. If all else fails....flea/farmers markets always have stuff you didn't think you'd find. Any Floridians in here reading?

aLso try and stop in some nurseries. There's always the chance the growers have some random pepper plants as decor/personal container plants. Grab a pod or two and a cutting if I'm super lucky/charming. :)

I am in the same area, did lots of surveing work in the woods through the county for 2 years and never seen an of these wild peppers here. It would be nice to find some, But being a florida natvie (37 years), i have never seen a wild pepper growing anywhere in the state of florida.

I did some googleing, and what i have found looks different it seems, but here are some seeds from a oline store

Yes. That first pic reimer has as grove peppers looks just like what I ended up with. The owner's daughter at a landscaping nursery had some growing and had them labeled as wild bird pepper. She let me have two :) Seems to be quite a few different types. Neat though :)
The old story goes that Mexican migrant workers brought these peppers with them when they worked in the orange groves roughly 80-100 years ago. They no longer exist due to chemical spraying. They are hot but nothing compared to super hots... there is really nothing special about the flavour/heat but are something special to grow. Everyone who comes over asks about them. The sheer size and quantity of peppers is astounding. My plant is 5 feet high and the seed was germinated in early January. I'm no AlabamaJack or Silver Surfer when it comes to growing, (AJ and SS you guys grow awesome plants) just your less than average grower on here.

Here are a few photos of the flowers they produce. Sorry for the poor shots but you get the idea...


Wow, awesome topic.

Florida guy here, just not a native lol. I am growing Datils and these would be a awesome addition. Has anyone found a good source for seeds other then Reimer's? I have not had good luck with the quality of the plants that come out of the seeds from them. I am willing to trade or pay if anyone is interested. I have a long list, including the native datil, lol

Now about the fishing...???? Redfish, speckled trout, snook??? what is it guys? Me i am a die hard Trout inshore, and offshore well its only Tuna vertical jigging in Panama. Insane YFT action.
glabriusculum means "little hairless" or something similar so I dont think the OP's image is an accurate species.

Native range of C. annuum var. glabriusculum

Florida Range



Message me if you'd like a few seeds. I will have some to spare soon. They are extremely, extremely hard to germinate. I got my seed from RedTailForester, his ripe were red and mine are orange so I don't know if it was/is a cross. Tasty but not that hot little buggers.