Flower Drop

Canuk Pepperhead said:
to give feed 18-18-20 every second week too much? My first year gardening have 53 hab plants and 3 jap plants..already munching on the japs..was kinda expexting more peppers on the habs...like I said my first time gardening...ya cant buy theme here I have to get the sauces sent to me...Id like to make my own sauces...they are very enjoyable lol been known to put them on my toast in the morning lol oh yeah I live in ontario

If you're not getting the pod production you want, you might want to back off fertilizing to every three weeks, and try something with lower nitrogen. What kind of potting soil are you using? A constant complaint of mine is the difficulty of finding good quality potting soil that doesn't have fertilizer already added. Miracle Grow is the one you see the most often, and it has a high nitrogen content as well.
Canuk Pepperhead said:
to give feed 18-18-20 every second week too much? My first year gardening have 53 hab plants and 3 jap plants..already munching on the japs..was kinda expexting more peppers on the habs...like I said my first time gardening...ya cant buy theme here I have to get the sauces sent to me...Id like to make my own sauces...they are very enjoyable lol been known to put them on my toast in the morning lol oh yeah I live in ontario

My hab plant is covered in peppers and I don't fertilize at all. Peppers as a whole like dry hot conditions. Pampering is not necessary and can actually do more harm than good. 53 habs??? You should have plenty of peppers when all is said and done.
chilliman64 said:
you never miss an opportunity to stick the knife into Miracle Grow, do you Pam?

Now, that's not true. I've said very plainly that Miracle Grow is not a bad product, just that I think it's too high nitrogen for most blooming plants and veggies. And I hate that it takes up all the shelf space in stores now because that means I can't buy good quality potting soil without fertilizer in it.

If you need a good liquid fertilizer with all the micro nutrients to give your plants a quick boost, Miracle Grow is good stuff. I just want to control how much and how often my plants get it.
chilliman64 said:
if all else fails (or has failed) you could try 1-2 teaspoons of Epsom Salts in a litre (quart) of warm water poured or sprayed over your plants just as they start to blossom, repeated one to two weeks later. your plants should turn dark green followed (hopefully) by a flush of fruit. (Epsom Salts contain magnesium which aids fruit set.)

Epsom salts can also be added to potting mix.
I just tried the spray method aabout two weeks ago on my Rocoto. 5 days later, I had some peppers growing.
imaguitargod said:
I just tried the spray method aabout two weeks ago on my Rocoto. 5 days later, I had some peppers growing.

most plant food/fertiliser has plenty of trace elements such as magnesium, this just gives it a boost.

when I had a bigger garden to work with, i got a bag of dried and powdered sheep manure and a box of Epsom Salts. I tipped both into a plastic garbage bin - you know the type with a lockdown lid. I filled it with water and mixed very well. then, each week when I fed my plants I would stir the mix thoroughly, then put a cup of this into a watering can and apply to my plants. I had the greenest, healthiest plants and more pods than I could handle. if you decide to follow this method, remember, too much can burn your plants. as I applied this mix once a week or sometimes even once a fortnight it worked well for me.

I had an old tomato stake that I used as a stirrer. btw, this stuff stinks to high heaven!!!
chilliman64 said:
btw, this stuff stinks to high heaven!!!

I was gonna say!

Once, years ago someone gave me a "recipe" for a fire ant killer that involved mixing fresh cow manure and letting it sit in a warm place for a month or so.

I decided I would rather live with the fire ants.
Once the blooms have become prolific and pods are developing what type of "food" should I use? Should I use the Epsom salt or??? Im at that point now... nor have I fertilized in nearly a month
Once the blooms have become prolific and pods are developing what type of "food" should I use? Should I use the Epsom salt or??? Im at that point now... nor have I fertilized in nearly a month

Well, do they need to be fertilized at all if you have good production and healthy plants? I think it probably depends on what you're using, how fast it's taken up, and whether or not your plants are in the ground or not, and when your first frost date is.

I use the Espoma Tomato Tone on mine about every two weeks during the summer, more or less depending on how much rain we've had. It's not a fast fertilizer, it works its way slowly into the soil, so I probably won't fertilize again after the first of September ( unless we get a tropical storm through here). I've got really nice production now, but our first frost isn't usually until mid to late October, and it's not uncommon to stay frost free until almost Thanksgiving.
Pam -- I looked for Tomato tone at Home depot and my local Hardware store to no avail. I'll have to try an Agway, Franks or a nursery. The growth seems good flowering and some pod production I always thought that during this time the plants are under more stress to produce that fertilizing would carry them thru. Also, we've had a ton of rain and I havent fertilized in a month... and a newbie to the garden Im a little impatient as well. A watched pepper never ripens :cool:

ChiliMan-- I havent heard of Phostrogen I will look into this.
There are other fertilizers that work, too. I swear by Tomato-Tone, but you'll find just about everybody has a favorite fertilizer or compost mixture they swear by. I would recommend you get something that says it's for vegetables or flowering plants, though.

I don't think we can get Chiliman64's Phostrogen. I googled it, and it appears to be made by a UK company and sold in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand. http://www.phostrogen.com/products
I googled as well and noted that it is sold in the U.K. I had used I think it was Plant tone (?) an organis mix from the same company earlier this season. I know I have seen Tomato tone before 🤔
I shouldn't have opened my mouth about not having a bug problem... Yesterday, while tending to my precious beauties, I found not one...but TWO of those little (ok... BIG) green monsters munching on my habs. Needless to say, they're part of the soil now.