Flower Drop

DevilDuck said:
I shouldn't have opened my mouth about not having a bug problem... Yesterday, while tending to my precious beauties, I found not one...but TWO of those little (ok... BIG) green monsters munching on my habs. Needless to say, they're part of the soil now.

Did you fart in their general direction?
If I may hyjack this thread for a second, this year is my first year growing peppers. I have two Hab plants, one suffered similar effects, flower loss, but it's leaves were a light yellow green color, compaired to the other, dark green. I haven't given my plants any fertilizer, could this be a male/female thing?
Although the leaves haven't changed color, the lighter of the two is now budding & has 5 peppers growing.
I too live in southwestern Ontario.
Peppers don't have separate male and female flowers like squash do, if that's what you're asking. I'd hazard a guess that your pale plant needed a bit of iron or magnesium. Maybe it got wetter than the other, or has poorer drainage than the dark green one.
DevilDuck said:
Didn't phase them one bit....odd... Even my dog ran off.

Well, at least he ran instead of trying to rub your nose in it and spank you with a rolled up newspaper.
DevilDuck said:
I shouldn't have opened my mouth about not having a bug problem... Yesterday, while tending to my precious beauties, I found not one...but TWO of those little (ok... BIG) green monsters munching on my habs. Needless to say, they're part of the soil now.


DevilDuck said:
Didn't phase them one bit....odd... Even my dog ran off.

have you ever lit your own farts? maybe that's how you need to treat those green monsters. a good burst of flaming methane!
chilliman64 said:
have you ever lit your own farts?

Speaking of a ring of fire!

And, no, never.

My six year old nephew and I got put in time out today. He jumped in my lap and farted, then had a giggling fit, saying "I farted on Aunt Pam". I picked him up by his ankles and threatened to put a fishing bobber up his bottom. His mother heard us and put him in time out for saying "fart" and me for encouraging him.


We never get to have any fun.
Well, after all the fuss, I've finally got some small Habs. They have yet to turn colour, but they're there in increasing numbers. Now I just hope they'll ripen before the cold weather hits. Not too sure if was the Epsom Salts or just patience...
MalevolentMonkey said:
Well, after all the fuss, I've finally got some small Habs. They have yet to turn colour, but they're there in increasing numbers. Now I just hope they'll ripen before the cold weather hits. Not too sure if was the Epsom Salts or just patience...

Yeah, it's so hard to wait sometimes.

If hovering was fertilizer, my plants would be the best fertilized plants in North America.