flowering after 3 months...is that bad?

I started my peppers from seed during the first week of February. I just noticed buds on a few of them, yet they are less than 4" tall. I assume that I should cut these flowers off so that plant energy is focused on growth? I won't be re-potting them for at least a few more weeks.
DEFINATELY PINCH THEM! pulling flowers for the first several weeks or so will more than pay you back in the long run!dont let ur plants flower until the are sturdy enough to support several of whatever type of chile they are
Is you plant begining to become root bound? With a plant that small, I guess that it is. When a plant becomes root bound it will produce an auxin that tells the plant it is time to reproduce. It thinks it has reached the limits of what it can grow and before it dies it should make babies.

Another thing that promotes bloom growth is phosphorus.

As others have said, pinch back the flowers for now until the plant gets a bit bigger.