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Flowers falling off

OK... some of my plants survived from last year. Namely: 3 fatalis, 2 caribbean reds, 1 orange hab and 1 peruvian rainbow. The problem is that flowers have grown, but they wilt and fall off. Plants look healthy. Weather temps have been around 80 degrees in the last few days.

I water once a week. Every time I water I use Schultz's All Purpose Plant Food (NPK: 16-12-12) as directed in the instructions.

This problem is only affecting my older plants. This year's plants are behaving normally so Im thinking it cannot be overwatering or overfeeding.

Can anyone tell me whats wrong? Thank you very much for your help and insight.
If I may add to Willards list. "Max. fruitload"
Flowers fall off when a plant reaches his max. fruitload.
Thank you guys... Im going to go with either too much nitrogen or too many minerals in the feed water. Water is very hard around here and maybe I am using too much fertilizer.

So what options do I have? Bottled water? Filtration?
Heres a more detailed reason for flower drop/failed fruit set. All this information was obtained from: "Peppers By Paul W. Bosland, Eric Votava" which can be read online free here.

No Fruit Set (Assuming Flower hasnt dropped or been aborted):
Mean temps lower than 16'C (60.8F) or greater than 32'C (89.6F)

Flower Drop:
Nighttime temps greater than 24'C (75.2F)

Maxiumum Flower Set:
Day and Night temps between 16'C (60.8F) and 21'C (69.8F)

Pollen Germination:
Optimal temps between 20'C (68F) and 25'C (77F)
Pollen is harmed at temperatures above 30'C (86F)
Pollen is sterile if temps are above 30'C (86F) 15 days prior to anthesis (bloom)

Fruit Set:
Pollen tube growth (pollen travel) from stigma to egg (fruit) takes between 6 to 42 hours.
andres said:
Thank you guys... Im going to go with either too much nitrogen or too many minerals in the feed water. Water is very hard around here and maybe I am using too much fertilizer.

So what options do I have? Bottled water? Filtration?

I have had zero problems with my habaneros fruiting outside when watering with tap water. My water is hard too, all I have to do is make sure water comes out the bottom every time I water them.

You can make a rain catching system if you really want to get off tap water, just put some plastic tubs or containers outside to catch rain, or put them under a gutter.
Once a week nutes for overwintered plants sounds like a ton to me. Of course, when in doubt, ask Potawie, Omri or some of the other gurus on this forum. Personally, I would just leave them alone and I'll bet they'll be fine. Lay off the nutes for a month and see what happens.
It sounds like youre growin in containers...If so then you are feedin waaayyyy too often. Hell if youre growin in the ground youre feedin too often. Especially since youre usin a high N synthetic fert. The salt buildup in your pots has gotta be off the scale. Along with your pH!

Try waterin with straight water (preferably dechlorinated) for a week or two. Water thoroughly. Maybe even excessively. Of course allowing the pots to dry out between waterings. Flush out the junk and proceed feeding with fish emulsion no more than every other watering. My 2 cents...