BINGO! Beets it is! Nice magnifying glass work, Boss! pears, garlic, onion. grape juice, beets, vinegar, lemon juice, Pure Evil, T-scorps...that's pretty much everything...I think...
Pretty Cool, Huh? It took a little spearminting, but the end result is spot on for a pink hot sauce.
All will be posted when it launches very early Sunday morning. 1:09am PST.
The 2 colors of wax-
purple for odds
yellow for evens
#1 and #69 have multiple layers of both.
Thanks for your interest, Megan. The pink color is pretty cool.
I sent out sets to the sponsors ahead of time, and the sauce is getting some good comments. Sweet, garlic, then Bam! with the heat. One severe chilehead said it was 7-8/10 for him, but for a normal person it would be a 10+++.

I guess folks will have to figure out where they are on the "normal-to-severe-chilehead " person scale.
Things are coming together in a good way. More in a little bit.