Fluffy Bunny Hot Sauce project- bottles and bling pictures!

Whee can't wait to get my hands on this. Seems like a wonderfully devious sauce. Bottles look great Ann.
*Sneaks over to growly's house for super stealthy early tasting*
salsalady said:
Some of the ingredients in Fluffy Bunny- Pears, onion, garlic, 7.6mil Pure Evil.......(need I say more?).... :halo:
Yes, can you state all, or what makes it pink?
Ann, I love it. I hope we get a chance to help support this cause and the chance to buy some... It's kick @$$ that it's my fave color too!!! Nice work as always :)
:rofl: I read that tiny print. ;)
BINGO!  Beets it is!  Nice magnifying glass work, Boss!  pears, garlic, onion. grape juice, beets, vinegar, lemon juice, Pure Evil, T-scorps...that's pretty much everything...I think... 
Pretty Cool, Huh?  It took a little spearminting, but the end result is spot on for a pink hot sauce. 
All will be posted when it launches very early Sunday morning. 1:09am PST. 
The 2 colors of wax-
purple for odds
yellow for evens
#1 and #69 have multiple layers of both. 
Thanks for your interest, Megan.  The pink color is pretty cool.
I sent out sets to the sponsors ahead of time, and the sauce is getting some good comments.  Sweet, garlic, then Bam! with the heat.  One severe chilehead said it was 7-8/10 for him, but for a normal person it would be a 10+++.  :lol:  I guess folks will have to figure out where they are on the  "normal-to-severe-chilehead " person  scale. 
Things are coming together in a good way.  More in a little bit.
It seems the sauce gods are blessing this project. 
I'd ordered 75 FlatRateBoxes from the USPS website about 12 days ago after my local postmaster told me that customers get faster service than the post offices when ordering supplies.  As of this morning....no boxes..... 
My little po-dunk PO had 25 boxes she gave me and then called up to Twisp 10 miles up the road.  They had 60+ so off I went....
Why the sauce gods are blessing this? 
#1 is that my local PO had 25 boxes
#2 is that when I went to the PO in Twisp, there was NO WAITING LINE!!!!!!  WOOT!!!!!  :woohoo:
Usually Twisp has a 20-30 min waiting line....but not today! 
The next sign is.......
It's graduation time and the Class of 2013 decided to paint the water tower on the hill above the school....bubblegum PINK!  
Usually it's painted with the green and gold school colors and the class year.  Painting it PINK in this week?  I'll take that as a sign~   :cool:  
More pics-
Each set has a signed bottle........


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Hmmm. Some crazy chilihead gave pink bunny a 7-8 I think a lot of us here might qualify as those. If we rate Pure Evil as a 10 most things could only hope to hit a 7-8 lol.
I'm BOK  --- Back On Keyboard---- after being AFK (away from keyboard) all day at a continuing education class. 
Hang tight, folk, and thanks for everyone's interest and support!  More pictures coming and the listing  are TickTockTickTockTickTock----
$25.69 for 2 bottles,  One signed and numbered with all the wax-n-glitter bling.  A 2nd bottle with label and shrink band for tasting. 
$20 of that price will go straight to StepUpForCharity.org.  Whatever is left after paypal fees, etc, of the $5.59 will go towards shipping.   
After several discussions/comments with other collectors..... I think we can also offer a 3rd option. 
The set prices for Set Numbers is already set up on eBay.  But several people wanted to keep both the BlingBottle AND the tester bottle.  SO- if a person makes an addition donation directly to StepUp charity, they will get a 3rd (unlabeled, unshrunk, unblinged) bottle to open.
I have to say the flavor is quite delicious. You can taste all the pear used in it. Going to have to agree with the random chilihead review giving it a 7-8 tho. On a normal person scale it rates dumb for eating, glad I'm not one of those people cause it makes a wonderful Italian sausage topping.

I may have received a non-collectors bottle from the artist for pointing her in this direction. To everyone thinking about getting some, DO IT!!!!

Great sauce and great cause.

BTW was the mini bottle you sent her the smoked hab cause it was pretty tasty as well.


P.S. My gf believes you need to bottle the 7.6 and have a note saying "Anyone purchasing this must try a drop to the tongue and video tape it, Place video on youtube or face unrelenting ridicule."
Dia...  The mini-bottle is an "oops" rendition of the original Pear/garlic/smoked Hab.  I forgot the onions in that batch.... :doh:    
Does Andrei like the label and graphics?  There was a lot of stuff to get on that small space.  The bunny graphics is getting lots of good comments.  I'm so grateful for A.Story's contribution!  (love that sig~~~)    

I think the eBay listings are set to go.  Stay tuned for the actual listings in about 1.25 hours! 
Thanks Everyone!!!!
She likes it except the basic font but size constraints make it understandable.

She loves the glittery bottle too. She doesn't do super spicy so the tasting was all on me.
I think it's a fantastic name for a sauce and even though I'm not bothered about the whole 'negative/demonic/satanic' style names it is a bit like a young teenager wearing black all the time pretending to be evil. I noticed in academia that most people are falsely modest about using their title because everyone else has a doctorate as well, and when I come across someone referring to themselves as Dr. then I start to wonder if they're not very confident in their ability. Although I suppose if you have a whole range of sauces then it's probably quite useful to know which one to avoid if you don't like your food too spicy. I suppose it's why vindaloo curries aren't called Korma-plus.
I do like the sentiment of giving such a nice name to something really painful. For example, I really like this T-shirt

Being British I'd probably go for the use of understatement if I was going to have a range of super-hot sauces like 'Bhut Jolokia That's a little bit feisty sauce' and 'Naga Viper really quite piquant sauce' and 'Trinidad Scorpion Butch T, Gosh! Actually kind of fiery sauce'
If nothing else then after many years of new records being broken with super hot chillies with N million scoville units you're still using names like 'Cor Blimy Guvnor that's brought me out in a hot flush sauce'
:lol: Skinty, I like your sauce names. 
We had QUITE the discussion about product names and images.  Some people won't buy or serve products because some aspect of the name or label was offensive.  I don't care for the ones that refer to gross bodily functions or contain words that my son can't/won't say, Like "Hottest F#$*ing Sauce".  My son's been collecting sauces and when he was about 11, someone gave him the WhoopAss hot sauce.  He had it in his room for a while, but eventually brought it out.  He wouldn't say that word, and didn't want it in his room. 
Anyway, as I said, it was quite lively, with the result being the creation of Fluffy Bunny Hot Sauce- the most unoffensive hot sauce in the world.   :cool:
Only 20 bottles of Fluffy Bunny still available!  I'll probably be closing the sale in the next day or so....probably on the 18th.  Get the bottle while you can! 